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And there we were...

My husband and I now sitting on the thrones adjacent to each other, in front of some towns people and family. Our little Aleric, perched atop my mothers lap.

The widowed queen now stand addressing the crowd, and introducing me.

I stand adjusting the gown.

Jon stood too, but he was instructed to sit

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Jon stood too, but he was instructed to sit. But of course he didn't listen. He took his place aside me.

I thanked the crowd once more for coming to see the official coronation of their new King.

"Now before we begin the beautiful ceremony, and I promise it won't be much longer...I have a few things to say."

I pause and let them soak up what I just said.

"As some of you may know, there was not only one...but three, yes three...attempts of my kidnapping. All done by the same man." I look down, a hand placed on my lower back. I look up to Jon and he nods.

"That man...was Robb Stark." The crowd gasped. "I take it by those reactions you know this man. I wouldn't be surprised." I pause.

"Now that I tell you that I must inform you that he is in-fact a dead man. Your new king here has killed him himself, in a successful rescue mission."

"Now comes this part: you may be wondering 'why is a random girl up here now telling us? Why should we care that Robb Stark tried to kill her?' Well let me tell you peasants. My lineage apparently. You can read all about it in chapter 012 of this book titled Found." I pick up a book on the podium and place the book down lower for them to access.

"My mother was once unfaithful, but I have learned from her that it wasn't her choice. She was drugged and r*ped. Assaulted. My father, was not just a servant to former Lord Eddard Stark, he was like his brother. My mother left me with my father, who died shortly after. Eddard and Cate looked after me and cared for me as if I was their own. I was close with all of the children. Except for Robb, I don't have much memory."

I pause. "That's not the point. Anyway, as I have said Robb Stark attempted 3 times of my kidnapping. Successful only 2. He made it clear I was wed to him and not Jon. That HE was to put a son in me instead. So he did infact somewhat r*pe me. But he was unsuccessful in having me bare a child."

"That caused a little fight in between my husband and I. So I'm here apologizing now." I turn back to Jon. "Jon, I apologize if I ever made it seem like Robb was successful, I'm sorry if you thought I believed him, I never did. I am wed to you, I love only you. I don't wanna lose that.."

__________ Little Time Skip_________

After the coronation I made my way to the balcony, as Jon went to mingle in his first minutes as official king.

I stand quietly staring down at the children playing in the distance, then back up at the sky, a star shooting past.

"Why don't you come to the party?" A voice asked from behind me, it was my husbands.

I turn around "I quite like this scenery, it's peaceful." He stand now next to me and arm around me.

"You know I mean everything I said up there right?" I asked him after silence.

"Yes my queen. But as far as I'm concerned, I'm just glad you were found."

Found(✓) {Jon Snow AU}Where stories live. Discover now