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Come on. It's got to be around here somewhere. Where is it at?

Royal History: A Tale of Starks, Lannisters, Snows and more.

Found it!

I grab the book with the deep red cover and silver lining, tracing the lettering.

I open the book and glance over the table of contents. I flip to the page labeled the Starks.

'The Starks history dates back to the..' ugh I don't care about that. I wanna see some names.

Stark Family

Eddard Stark KING
Cate Stark QUEEN
Sansa Stark DAUGHTER
Robb Stark SON
Bran Stark SON

"Wait a second...where's mine? I'm a Stark."

I continue reading down. A picture of the family tree shown. Again I wasn't there.

I looked back up at the names once more, maybe I skipped it.

Wasn't there. A few names were marked out it looks like..I couldn't tell...but I could only make out an 'L'.

I flipped to the Snows. Read up on Jon's history. Everything with him added up.

Do I not belong? Do I not exist?

No matter, I was getting furious. I needed to find Jon.

I stormed off out of the library. Carrying the book with me I stomped all the way up to where I was told Jon would be.

I furiously banged on the door. "Jon open up I command you!"

It took jon a while to get to the door but he finally opened up.

"What be the matter now milady?" I push past him and slam the door shut.

Tossing the book on his desk. "Jon. You need to explain why I'm not in my family's section of the book."

"Where did you find that book? It's was supposed to be sealed up!"

"Answer me Jon."

"Milady. Honestly I-"

I grab the nearest weapon. Which be a small dagger next to the book.

"Tell me or I use this. Now."

"It was written before you were even born." Jon answered without hesitation.

"That's bull crap. Arya and Bran are both in their. So is Sansa. I'm older than them." I held the dagger out closer to him.

"Fine...did you see the marked out names?"

"All I made out was an L. It was the beginning of the name."

"Has anyone ever told you...you look like her majesty Cate?"

I shook my head. "Only my father. Except the nose. He always says I have my mothers nose. But her majesty's nose is nothing like mine."

"Think for a second.."

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