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(The following will be P. O. V of Jon Snow)
(There will be an announcement when over)

I carry my wife to the bed. She still lay unconscious. Thankfully she was still breathing.

I quickly rushed out to one of the soldiers standing outside guarding our doors.

"Quickly send for a nurse, and bring Lilith. Right away. My wife is unconscious."

"Is there any other message I shall deliver?"

I nod. "Tell them we may need to deliver the child another way."

"Right away."

I watch the man leave.

Here I am now sat in a chair next to the bed. I stay there for any chance me wife wakes before everyone shows.

The door bursts, open not a moment later, Lilith, one of the nurses from the infirmary, and my parents.

"I didn't expect you..." I stood greeting them.

"We just so happened to be discussing dinner with Lilith." My mother gestures over to the woman.

"Right." I look over to my wife, still lay in bed.

The doctor spoke. "Yes right. Well, I shall ask you men out." She said referring to my father and I.

We exit.

"Father, this may be it. I finally will become a father."

"Yes son." Father placed a hand to my shoulder. "We must make sure your wife is alright and healthy."

I nod.

What seems like a while later I hear screams. Shouts, pain. My wife was awake.

My wife was giving birth to a son.

Our son.

"Father I have to go in there.She's in pain." I shouted as the screams exit the building.

"Son, screaming is normal during child birth." My father assured me.

"Right." I state as the door to our hut is open.

"Doctors here.." Dad stated.

I look towards the doctor who says. "She's sore, she'll be like that for a while. But baby and momma both are healthy, a beautiful family sir." Then leaves.

"Baby...and momma...dad does that mean...?"

"Yes son. Go meet your son."

I enter the door. My mother and Lilith move away from the bed, allowing me access to my wife and son.

"Jon...meet your son."

"What's is name my love?" I ask placing a hand on his head.

"Aleric. Aleric Jon."


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