Chapter 41

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- One month later

"Namjoon." I stir in my sleep, changing my position to lay on my side. I haven't been getting enough sleep for the past few weeks because there is someone who wakes me up in the middle of the night because their cravings decide to kick in only then. "Joonie." I feel Ongie shake me as I get up, laying my back against the headboard. "Hmm?" I ask rubbing my eyes while she gets up to lay her back against the headboard too.

"I want ice-cream." I sigh, facing her as she pouts. Ongie decided to spend a few nights over at my place to get to the whole pregnancy bonding thing and it isn't going well. "That's the fourth time this week." I tell her as she hugs my arm. "Please Joonie. Junghwa wants some ice-cream." I chuckle at the name 'Junghwa'. I can't really believe her mom gave our baby a name already.

"Okay." I get up, placing a shirt over my head and sliding into my slippers. "Can I come?" I nod as she gets up, grabbing my hoodie from the closet as she slips her shoes on and we head down the stairs.

I notice Kookie still up and watching something.

"What are you guys doing up late?" He asks. "Ongie wants ice-cream again." He chuckles as he gets up. "Can I come too?" He pouts. Great, more kids to walk with. I nod as he switches off the TV and we head out. On the way to the store, Kookie and Ongie are talking about her brother Sunoo and whatever they like doing while I check up on them since they both decided to sit in the backseat. "Kookie, I am almost five months pregnant and I don't have any idea what to do for the baby shower." She says as I smile, I am glad Ongie has found the normalcy of her being pregnant despite the days she denied it.

"Maybe we can start planning tomorrow morning." Kook suggests. "You mean today?" He facepalms himself as we chuckle. I pull up at the store, heading to buy Ongie's favorite ice-cream and making sure I buy a lot so I can stock it in the fridge and not wake up every night to buy more. I also decide to buy some groceries while we are at it.

As I am grocery shopping while Ongie and Jungkook decide to stay in the car, I accidentally bump into someone. "Oh, I am so sorry." I look up to notice someone familiar. "It's okay." She smiles widely as I nod. "Woah, that's a lot of ice-cream." She chuckles, I rub the back of my neck shyly.

"I needed to stock up." She nods. "Uhm, have we met before?" I ask her and she shakes her head. "Do I look familiar?" I nod. "You remind me of Akia, the girl I used to sit next to in high school." She laughs. "Namjoon?"

My eyes widen, she knows me?

"Wait- Akia?!" She nods while laughing her soul out. I feel myself blush even more. Akia was the girl I sat next to in high-school where I met all the other boys. She was quiet and I always wanted to talk to her but I was a big pussy back then, we used to talk but it would end in awkward silence.

Seeing Akia in front of me right now is amazing. She really changed from a nerdy look to a more MILF like look. "I didn't think I would see you again." She brings me into a hug as I hug her back. "Wow, you changed... a lot." I say.

Akia and I got to catch up, I gave her my number and we left the store together as I hugged her the last time before heading our separate ways.


As we were waiting for Namjoon in the car, Jungkook and I were listening to some music and we found some snacks we had left yesterday after we had movie night with the others in the cars. As we are enjoying our time in silence, I notice Namjoon coming out of the store with a woman. She has a beautiful face, beautiful body and she gives MILF vibes. I feel my chest sting at the sight of them smiling and laughing together. He walks towards us as he opens the driver's door after placing the shopping into the boot.

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