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Chapter 60: Gentle and obsessive love: Mr. Ba's sweet wife (16)

    Feng Qing's new actor is a second-tier Linzi.

    His appearance is not as strong as Ni Gantang's, but his acting skills and character are good, and he quickly won praise from the crew. The name Ni Gantang has become a taboo, even if someone mentions it quietly, for fear of bringing bad luck to the future.

    The role of Feng Qing has changed, which means that all his scenes have to be retaken.

    This is undoubtedly a huge loss for the crew, because the schedules of several leading actors are very tight. In order to avoid affecting these bigwigs, the shooting speed can only be accelerated accordingly. Cheng Ran doesn't care, maybe it's good for him, after all, he will start school in a week.

    A few days before Ni Gantang was sentenced, Cheng Ran went to take the entrance exam for the new school.

    Having chosen the same major as the original world, Cheng Ran felt a lot more at ease. Maybe some of the new classmates would know him, but it shouldn't be worse than the film school.

    Life seems to be on the right track.

    After finishing school, starting school, and meeting new friends, Cheng Ran quickly got used to the environment and learning rhythm of the new school.

    Life at school is obviously more enjoyable than staying at home every day doing nothing. Cheng Ran had missed campus life more than once in the original world, but he didn't expect it to be realized here. He went to class during the day, had a wave with new friends, and when he got home, he always attacked the children's hot kang head. It was a paradise on earth.

    Moreover, there is no breastfeeding problem for Linzi, and the nanny will be in charge of coaxing Zhizhi when he cries at night.

    Cheng Ran had to sigh with emotion, all evil are rich people.

    But enjoy and be happy.

    The studies are going smoothly, and Zhizhi is also growing up day by day.

    As the winter vacation approached, Zhizhi began to grow teeth. From the period when everything he saw was stuffed into his mouth, there would be two more small teeth marks on the toys that were stuffed into his mouth. Cheng Ran was curious once and used his finger to tease his son, and the result was predictable.

    Lan Qiye laughed while watching, so angry that Cheng Ran also left a row of teeth marks on his hand.

    Lan Qiye was in pain and went back on the spot to retaliate, so Cheng Ran also went to school the next day with two teeth marks, but one on his butt, one on each side, fortunately covered by pants.

    By the time of the summer vacation of the sophomore year, Zhizhi would already be running around with a baby bottle.

    The two cubs in Lu Zhongfeng's family were only a few hours older than Zhizhi, and they looked exactly the same. It was probably because the two fathers had a good relationship. They played together often when they were young. The three cubs have always had a good relationship. Even Years are all done together.

    In addition, the good news is that Lu Zhongfeng and Jiang Yousi finally got the certificate.

    What Cheng Ran knew about the experience was not so clear, but seeing the silly second egg find a good home, Cheng Ran was happy for him from the bottom of his heart.

    When Cheng Ran graduated, it was time for Zizhi to go to kindergarten.


    As soon as he opened the door, he could see Douding squeaking towards him.

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