Is she seeing anyone?

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"There's no big table so let's just get two separate ones," Beck says as he runs his finger through his hair, "Okay I'll seat in this one," Moose said loudly as if his trying to announce it to Jade but Tori and Cat quickly hover over him while Jade tries to grab a seat next to the two girls but Robbie beats her to it, She glared her eyes at him while looking back at the two men, "Urghh! Kill me, kill me now." She said to herself before sitting in the middle of Beck and Andre.

 A few seconds had passed and Andre stood up from his seat and was about to leave when Jade said to him"Where do you think you're going?!" Andre gave her a half smile before telling Jade he was just going to the bathroom"What?! no, stay right--" Andre walks away while siding his head," ANDRE!" Jade shouted while chasing after him "Stay there! I'll be right back!" Andre yelled back at her, Jade groaned before she walk back to her seat again but when she turns around she saw Beck forcing a smile while giving her a small wave, she quickly made an annoyed face " Why is YOUR stupid friend seating with MY stupid friends shouldn't he be seating with you?" she asked Beck but before Beck could answer Tori suddenly shouted "excuse me, waiter! My friend moose wants a hamburger!" And Cat followed with "he's my friend too!" Beck gestured his hand at the two girls and said " I remember when his MY friend" Jade rolled her eyes before placing her purse down on the table and pulling her phone out." Wha-cha doing?" Beck whispered as he rested his head on his arms on the table, Making Jade scoot over to Andre's side " running a marathon, Can't you see?!" she said sarcastically to him, Beck shrugs his shoulder and leans back from his seat "mhm I see... you're still mad at me aren't you?" He says as he taps his fingers on the table Jade places her phone down and turns to face him, with a big expression on her face she answered him with " Ghad, No! Whatever made you think that?!" she quickly drops her facial reaction and looks at him with a poker face. Beck raised his hand against his chest, as Jade turned to face her phone again she notice Moose was staring at her, she just gave him an eyebrow raised before mentioning it to Beck "You might wanna tell your friend to stop staring at me before he'll end up blind like my uncle Murphy, turns out some people don't know how to duck from a flying scissor." Beck leans back to look at Moose, smiling goofily at Jade.

Beck snapped his fingers in the air to get Moose's attention " Dude! Stop staring! you're scaring her" He yelled quietly at him, Jade just scoffs at him as she continues to use her phone. "Telling lies? didn't know that's a hobby of yours" Jade mumbles under her breath making Beck squint his eyes and frown at her but before Beck could Answer back Andre arrive back at his seat "So have you guys ordered yet?" he asked while pulling closer to his chair.

" So, um Moose what are your plans while you're still here in L.A? huh assuming you won't find a girl, fall in love, and get married," Tori asked playfully at him, Moose just glance at her and quickly answered " Oh um I was planning to visit the house where they filmed my favorite movie, The Scissoring" The two girls faked a gasped " Oh That's Jade's favorite film too," Robbie said making Moose excited " Really?" he leaning towards into the table and interwind his fingers while looking at Robbie with the desire to listen "Uh Yeah I think so... right Cat?" Moose shifted his gaze at Cat and waited for the red-head girl to talk "Um Yeah, Yeah That's Jadey's favorite film, I even got her the real scissors in the film but I don't think you would like to see her use it"She tried to warn him but Moose just lets out a small chuckle making everyone fake a laugh. " I'm not kidding," Cat says in a more serious tone, Tori gave him an awkward smile before saying " Yeah... Jade likes to cut with her favorite scissors" but Moose looks like he wants to know more about Jade as he kept glancing at her. " So umm ... Is she seeing anyone?" Tori, Cat, and Robbie shared a look before they answered at the same time but with different answers, " What?" Moose questioned them as they all spoke at once, Tori cleared her throat as she was about to speak again when "THUD!" a hand with black nail polish suddenly slammed on their table. "HEY! I thought I heard my name!" Cat squealed and grabbed onto Tori's arm while Robbie shut his mouth tightly and tried to look in the other direction, Tori began to stutter as she tried to explain what they were talking about" Jade! Um uh, we were just umm about uh..." Jade pressed her lips shut and crossed her arms while nodding at Tori before cutting Tori off " Talking shit about me won't make you prettier Vega, it will only make me wanna hurt you even more" Tori sneered at her before standing up but Moose quickly took over for her, he stood up to face Jade" I'm sorry, but we weren't gossiping about you I was just curious if you were seeing someone " Jade tilted her head as she looks at him from head to toe while still crossing her arms, she took a quick look at Beck before looking back at Moose "Huh... Beck's your best friend right?... And he never told you that we dated for 3 years." Moose's eyes widen as he realizes Jade was Beck's ex-girlfriend "Shit! He's your ex?!?" Beck Facepalmed himself as he watch his friend try to redeem both of them to her " Jade, I'm sorry, Fuck! Of course, Beck had mentioned you I just forgot about, I didn't mean to, I just was curious about you, and um uh--" Jade smirked at how Moose was spiraling in front of her " didn't you ever heard curiosity killed the cat?!... Careful with your questions Moose..." she turned to walk back to her table but before she sat down to her chair she gives him a mischievous grin and said " or else you might end up just like the Cat" Moose blushed as he drops back to his chair. Beck sided his head as he look at Moose and Jade.

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