The only one

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Beep... Beep... Beep

The sound of the steady hearth beat of the monitor.

Andre keeps glancing at Jade as she is still unconscious.

Andre's pov:

3:45 am

Shit, what am I going to do when she wakes up? She'll be devastated...*sighed* it's only been a month for her and now this, I wish Steven was here or even her mom then maybe they'll know what to do but they're not. Urghh! I need some help here but the others are still not here yet, I can't expect them to be rushing here in the middle of the night why did this have to happen to her, of all people, why Jade? isn't she had enough? 

(Andre pull his chair near Jade's bed and took her hand)

She looks so innocent when she's asleep, she always has been, and when awake she can be the toughest person I've known well not tough maybe strong is the right word... I can't imagine what she'll do after she wakes up and finds out about..." Jade?" her light twitch of hand cut my train of thoughts. "Jade?" She furrowed her eyes and slightly groan.

"What happened? urghh... where are we?" She asked Andre as she look directly at him.

"We're at the hospital jade, your dad kinda went ballistic on you and Beck but he was arrested-" Jade quickly cut him off, not caring what had happened to her father.

"Beck! where is he?! is he okay?! tell me where he is!" She demanded Andre to tell her where her boyfriend is.

"Chill Beck's fine his in the other room resting but-" jade shot up and endure her headache just to go to see beck " I need to see him! " but Andre tried to stop her " No you don't," he says and reminded her, she should rest first and that her mom asked him to take care of her while she's away But jade pouted at him"I know you're stubborn but you can't be this serious, just... rest. Beck's fine, you just woke up and you already wanted to pull your dextrose out? talk about deja vu, sheesh no wonder it took you 3 months just to wake up from a coma"  

"Don't sass me, Harris! I'm not in the mood to joke around! My fucking father just almost murdered us both and you expect me to relax?!"Jade says through gritted teeth.

Andre raised his hand as a sign of surrender and took a step back" Okay geez someone hit her head on the wrong side of the sidewalk" he lightly jokes, he knows now that she was perfectly fine, Jade looked at him with a confused look. she raised her hand to touch her head " Hit My what- AW! the fuck! Did my father did this to me?" She questioned Andre.

"Huh?... Oh OH! you don't remember hitting your head on the street?" Jade rolled her eyes and crossed her arms " Well duh! would I ask you if I did? " 

" Alright, calm down you don't need to be all ganky... No, your dad didn't do that to you, you accidentally hit your head when beck tried to save you by getting hit by a car..." he explain to Jade.

 "Oh... So Beck's the one who did this to me, Well guess who's getting hit in the head he awake yet?"

Andre bites his lower lip and looks at his side." Yeah, he is but umm You should know one thing about him, Your dad hit him with a rock...  "







Jade Burst into the other room and trying to come near as quickly as possible, she was tugging her dextrose as it had fallen on the floor while she was trying so hard not to stumble down, Andre is trying to assist her but she refuse, she took a grip on the bar of Beck's bed, and throw herself at Beck.

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