Chapter 4 - Don't Worry

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King Adelaja's POV;

"What was the meaning of what you did? "I question Kofoworola as she takes off her beads and gets ready for bed.

"Meaning of what? "She questions. With her back still turned to me, and I roll my eyes.

"Of what you did this morning in the celebration hall. With that boy. You lied! "I reply, and only then does she turn to me on the stool she's sitting on.

"Sorry, what boy? "She questions with thick irritation on her fair face, and I swallow.

"Are we talking about the same boy from this morning? The one who came to lay claims to my only child's crown? My husband's thirty years old illegitimate child!? The same boy who none of us have ever laid eyes on for all these years, but suddenly wants to take my child's place!? Is that who you're talking about!? "She questions. Glaring up at me with flames of rage in her eyes, and I fall silent.

"If that is who you're talking about, then I'm afraid that there's nothing to discuss... "She then concludes. Turning back to the table and taking off the beads wrapped in her full, thick, dark hair.

"But Kofo... The boy... "I begin, and she slams her hands on the table and rises.

"Is my husband's illegitimate child!! "She cuts me off as she turns back to look at me, and my heart falls at the rage my beautiful wife is emitting.

I have never seen her so enraged or upset before. And worse, this anger of hers is towards me.

"Ade, since we've gotten married, have I ever given you any trouble? I've always been a loyal true wife to you. I never argued or went against your wishes.

But today... Today is going to be different. Ade, we have just one child. I have just one child for you! My dear Adebiyi.

We both know that that boy has devoted his whole life. Training and learning to be the perfect king for this kingdom. And on his coronation day, his father's illegitimate child comes to ruin that for him!?

And you think I would just sit back and allow that!? You think I would just take the crown off my son's head and give it to your misplaced seed!?
I won't! I would never! I won't allow that. I would never allow that!

Laja, you should be happy that I'm choosing to act like that boy doesn't exit. Like he isn't your son. Don't push your luck. I am just finding out that my husband has another child. You expect me to be jumping with joy!? Laja, respect yourself. I don't care if that boy has your blood running through his veins or not. I don't regard him, and he's not coming anywhere near my son, his crown, or his title.

He can go to hell, or back into the hell hole, he came from. But I want him nowhere near my son. If anything happens to my child, Laja...

If that bastard of yours hurts even a single hair on my child's head. You will not recognize the woman I will become. Because then, I won't be your wife, but a mother.

And everyone knows better than to mess with a tiger's cub. Be warned... "She says to me, and I shiver in fear and awe at her words. She stares at me for a few seconds longer and then walks away from me like the sight of me sickens her.

Did Kofo just threaten me?? Have I hurt her so badly that she's so upset with me? Upset enough to disrespect me...

I am done for.

What do I do now? On the one hand is my true, darling son. And on the other hand,  is my illegitimate child.

I want to act like I don't know him, but my heart won't let me. I feel guilty. According to him, his mother is dead. Where would he go now? Who does he know?

Where is he currently? And now that my wife has kicked him out of the palace, what is he up to? It worries me to say, but I'm concerned about him.

I want to know if he's fine or not. I'm worried about my son... Who I just discovered that I have...


Ajinkes POV;

I am standing beside one of the windows in my matrimonial bedroom. Adebiyi is fast asleep on the bed. But I am covered in a shawl, looking out into the dark blue night sky, and at the shining moon.

Motilayo was fine. Although she cried for hours after waking up. She kept asking what happened to her brother, but no one could give her an answer.

The little child has lost a father and brother. They weren't good men, but it still doesn't change the fact that they were the most important male figures in her life.

I can't help but feel guilty.

"You're not yet asleep? "Adebiyi's voice suddenly questions. Startling me out of my thoughts, and I come back to earth.

I turn to the bed and find that he has raised his upper body, using his elbows as support as he stares at me.

"N... No. Not yet. I... Couldn't sleep so I... Came to get some fresh air. "I reply, and he gives me a look. I watch as he gets out of bed, shirtless, and walks up to me.

"You're still thinking about the events of today, aren't you? "He questions and I nod gently.

"You don't have to worry. Sure, it was quite an eventful day, but... The goddess will never forsake us. There's no need for us to worry. "He says, and I simply shut my eyes.

"I know the goddess won't forsake us, but I just can't shake off the feeling that... Something untoward is coming... "I reply in worry, and Adebiyi takes my hands in his.

"Ajinke, you worry too much. Has worrying ever changed anything? Yes, I also have my concerns about the things that happened today, but we can change nothing. We just have to put our faith in the goddess and hope for the best. The goddess will never wish us bad... "He says, and I look up at him.

"Come on, don't worry so much. It won't be nice if you grow wrinkles before me... "He then says, and I chuckle lightly.

"Just know that whatever happens... I'd always be here for you, my love... "He adds, and I swallow as I hug him. But as we share this embrace with the side of my face pressed against his perfect, warm, bare chest, I can't help but remember Yemoja's words...

"Brace yourself. A bloodbath is coming... "


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