He found Kakyoin with his back to him. Kakyoin was folding a blanket in place. He turned to find Jotaro in the doorway. "I was just setting up your bedroom. I haven't gotten a chance to fix up the room after moving here." He sent him a smile his way.

Jotaro looked away. He could only feel shame. He didn't want the person who pitied him so much that he would let him stay with him, look at him.

Kakyoin knew everything. He knew what a disgusting person he was. He knew that he couldn't be trusted alone. He knew he loved him.



"Are you okay?"

No. "Stop staring at me." He pulled his hat down to shadow his face. He hardened his voice, so Kakyoin couldn't know how he felt. "Why don't you just take a picture? It'll last longer."

"Jojo," Kakyoin called in a knowing tone. He walked over to him until he was in front of him. "It's okay to be vulnerable sometimes. Especially with the ones you care about. Not just your workers."

He was talking about his night escapades.

Jotaro took a step back. His heart pounded in his chest painfully. Why did Kakyoin have to know? Kakyoin knew just how disgusting he was. It would be better if he just wasn't here. Jotaro was ready to turn tail and run. He didn't want to continue to feel the shame and guilt he brought upon himself.

"Jojo," Kakyoin said. "Believe me when I say this: I care about you and your well-being. You can relax and let go around me. I won't judge."


"Please don't run away, Jojo." Kakyoin sat down on the bed as he grimaced.

Jotaro tensed at seeing Kakyoin in pain. He looked down to avoid looking at his friend hurting. This was his fault. He was aggravating Kakyoin. He was a nuisance. He-

A hand gently touched his cheek. He looked up to see Hierophant Green was the source in front of him.

On the stand's feature, he could see the care for him.

"Jojo," Kakyoin called, softly. "Please don't run away. You are too precious of a friend to lose." His hands were balled into the covers. Despite the pain, his purple eyes stared up at him with compassion.

Jotaro wasn't sure what to do. He just stood there. The pain and emptiness in his chest was growing. The guilt of watching Kakyoin was damaging. Numbness and pain. That's all he could feel.

The hand from Hierophant moved from Jotaro's cheek to his chin. A thumb stayed to caress his cheek.

He felt warmth there.

Jotaro closed his eyes as he trembled. He wanted to run away. He wanted to hide in someone else's embrace and comfort. He placed his hand over his , hoping to take in the warmth and comfort. He wanted more.

How disgusting was that?

"What's wrong?" Kakyoin called. He noticed a frown on Jotaro's face, despite taking in the caring gesture.

Jotaro shook his head. He kept his eyes closed and exhaled a trembling sigh.

"It was a long day, hunh?"

He nodded his head in agreement.

"How about we rest? Get some sleep."

Jotaro finally opened his eyes. When he did, Heirophant disappeared. He looked at his own attire and saw that he had sand all over himself. He needed a shower. When he looked over at Kakyoin, he quickly looked away.

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