" You said you don't trust me right but at least you can trust this restaurant or ... " -

I continue to ignore him , my  eyes welling up with tears again .

He orders for the both of us .


The food is soon served but I can't seem to stop crying as I start playing with the food .

" If you don't eat this food Pakeeza , trust me I won't care if you die of starvation later . " - he threatens forcing three successive spoons of rice into my mouth under the niqab dropping grains of it everywhere as a result .

I wipe the skin under my eye from tears as I catch someone staring at me .

My eyes well up again hoping that he would see my need for help .

" Who are you looking at ? " - he pushes my head down to face my food while he glared at the man who was staring .

I look at the stranger again but Brooke gets angry at me , calls for the waiter , pays for the food and drags me out .

As we get to the alley he packed the car , he slams me against the wall with a finger pointed at me .

" What , you are in love with that one too ? " -

I continue to ignore him , removing the niqab from my face .

" Go on then , go to your new love and I'll personally kill him myself . "-

" What is wrong with you ! " - I yell fed up with everything .

" What is wrong with me ? Well if you must know ... you are wrong with me . Love me and everything will be fine ! It will be okay if you just love me back ! " - he takes hold of my hand and drags me to the car .

" It's not love , Brooke . You don't hurt someone you love ! " - I yell out .

" Hey leave her alone ! " - I hear a distant voice causing us to look back .

It was the man .

" Please help me ! " - I start to struggle with Brooke .
" Let go of me ! " - I take hold of his hand and give the most hardest bite I can give as he momentarily sets me free .

" Help me ! " - I yell running to my only chance of getting away from Brooke .

*paw *

I stop in my tracks as the stranger collapses on the ground .

" No ~ ! " - I bend down to put pressure on the wound .

" What have you done ! Somebody please help ! " - I hear his footsteps approaching so instinctively i got up and headed forward .

" Someone please help ! " I yell hoping someone , someone will hear my cry .

I finally got down to my knees as I reached the edge of the alley .

The restaurant was secluded , the whole place is surrounded by trees  ? How didn't I realise .

" You are making me angry , Pakeeza . " -

I looked back , saw him with his gun and took to my heels into the restaurant screaming .

" Someone please help , this man has kidnapped me and he has shot a man down the alley ! " - I fell from exhaustion as they surrounded me .

" Help me , " - I whisper .

* paw *

The noise shook the people as everyone took cover under their tables .

I — I can't let him get me . I won't go back to him .

So I decided to crawl under a table and kept quiet while I took my breath .

" Where is she ? "  - he asks with slow steps .

Silence .

" hmm , ok then * he grabs a little girl who immediately screams for her mother * now tell me , where is the woman who just entered ? " -

Oh no ~

I tilt my head and saw the girl's mother pleading for Brooke to let her daughter go .

" Pakeeza , don't make me kill this little girl ! " - he yells .

Oh Lord ...

I took in deep breathes trying to calm my racing heart .

" Don't do anything , " - I come out from the table , my hands raised as I walk towards him .

" Good , " - he gestured for me to come closer .

" Just let the girl go , " - I look into his eyes and loosened the grip on the girl's shoulder .

Tears run down my cheeks , when he holds my hand and drags me out .

" I'm not letting anyone take you away from me , " -
He lifts me and throws me on his shoulder .

" let go of me , let go ! " - The tears blurring my vision .

" Fine ! " -

I land on the ground with a thump .

" I don't love you , why don't you get it ! " - I sob picking myself from the ground .

Hmmmp !

I felt a sharp pain on my head as I feebly land back on the floor .

" You do , you just haven't realised it yet . " - I hear him say before my world became dark .


* sigh *

The Dangers Of Loving You .Where stories live. Discover now