Chapter 5

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Diana's POV :
I nodded. All Might invited me and began the story of how he chose his successor. It's Midoriya.

The reason All Might confided in me is because of my family has been fighting against All for One since generations.

All this because there is a major down side to the hero commissions orders to kill anyone with a quirk transferred from All for One.

Only problem, The traces of the transfer quirk can be detected in the next generation as well. So anyone whose ancestors made the mistake of supporting All for One were also killed.

My own family was an example for this.
Years ago one of my ancestors set up a safe space for all such people. The Outcast as they call themselves. He thought them to use their quirk and fight. At first they fought against the heroes but over the next generation they became more like vigilante.
I was the first to become a hero.

In the last few generations my family is considered as royals among the Outcast. The leader has always been the oldest child. Or in my case the oldest grandchildren after my mother refused the spot.

I became the queen soon after my grandmothers death when I was 17.

At the time I was a student at UA and had to live a double life. But soon i found ways to manage my life. Not many heros know about the Outcasts or my role with them.
All Might is the only top hero who knows all this.

I spent over an hour with All Might listening to the story of how he met Midoriya and determined his to be a worthy successor.

Then we headed back to the teachers dorm.

When we entered the room has a tense atmosphere. Nezu was the first to speak. There was word from Endeavour. They managed to find Shigaraki but he had a huge powerful army with him. All the heroes are badly injured.

The news was grim but there had to be a better way to deal with it rather than sulking around. I asked Nezu if I should tell the students about this and he agreed that they did deserve to know but also that they would want to help.

I nodded and had to smile. "Well maybe they can help." I said. Everyone stared at me. I explained how with all the heroes focused on more pressing issues the small time offence that cause in convinces to the public aren't being monitored. Over the past few weeks reports of theft have doubled. It wasn't too much to ask of the students but i would satisfy them.

Everyone seemed to agree with me and so the planning began.  By dinner time we had a basic plan ready and so the only thing left was to inform the students.

After dinner all the homeroom teachers went to their class buildings and informed the students about the new plans

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