Chapter 4

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Diana's POV
After the school day ended i got a note telling me to meet the sender in a particular room.

I headed over and saw All Might waiting for me.

He looked at me dead in the eyes and said, " I hope you realise why we are here" I nod.

Giving a little bit of back story to this.
I have known about the existence of One For All. My maternal grandmother told me stories of how the quirk is passed down until one day the Chosen One would finally defeat All For One.
My family has been fighting against All For One for generations, before the existence of these laws making use of Quirks without licence illegal. Hence in recent years they have more of a vigilante reputation.

In each generation there was a successor, the oldest child, who all had the same quirk. My quirk. Though it is believed to be a miracle that i have it. My mom's older brother was killed when they were kids and he had the inherent quirk. Everyone believed that the ancient powers died with him. But then i was born. From the day i first showed signs of having the ancient quirk till i turned 17 i have never been allowed to even speak of my quirk much less show anyone. I get that it was out of fear that my uncle's fate might be repeated, but still as a kid i always resented her for that.

All Might was also good friends with my grandma and knew all about our family powers and goals. He found out about me being the successor on the day of her funeral. Though i had a hood over my face at my mother's demand. This would be the first time i would speak or use my quirk.

All Might insisted that he speak to my mom and convince her to let me go to UA. He succeeded.

Through the years he told me about his own quirk. And then last year he told me about his plans to hand down the quirk. Recently he did hand over the quirk but I'm yet to find out who it is.

Today standing in front of All Might i know he is going to tell me about his successor.

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