Chapter 3

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Diana's POV
I woke up early in the morning, out of habit. I decided to go on a jog, though I had to stick to the secluded parts of the forst because some students were up early for training.

When I return Erasure was ready to leave I wished him good luck and then returned to my room to freshen up. When I came back down for breakfast everyone was up and getting ready for the day. I had breakfast then chit-chated with Mic.

When everyone was ready we headed to the main school building. We headed to the area where announcements are made. Nezu had previously informed the students the come to here, through the speakers. Soon students started arriving. I stood in a corner where no one could see me.

When all the students arrived Nezu began his speech, which I mostly turned out and was rather focused on the students, trying to recognise them. I am half way through the crowd when Nezu calls me to join him on the stage. There are a few gasps from the students. Nezu clears his throat and concludes his speech.

The class representatives lead the students back to their classes and the teachers head to their 1st period classes.

I had the 1st period free and so headed to the staff room. There Vlad was waiting for me when a clipboard in hand. He hands me the clipboard and says, " This is the list of all the students of class 1A and 1B with their names, pictures and quirk names. You will be using this to determine the match ups for the fights next period." "What kind of fight will it be?", I ask. "Same as sports festival, a rectangular field, aim is to throw the other one out", Vlad replied.

I sat down and went through the list. The only match up I am sure about is Katsu vs Shoto, the rest I have no idea.
I go over the list a few more times and think about some more parings before the first period ends. I and Vlad head towards are classes together.

As I enter class 1A everyone stands and greets me. " Change into your hero costumes and meet me at ground Gama. I head out and see Vlad leaving his class as well. We walk together in silence towards the ground.

The ground already had a boundary marked out, that was going to be the area within which the students had to fight.

Soon the students started to arrive. When they all arrived I started explaining what we were going to be doing , " Today we will have 1v1 battles. The one who steps out of the boundary first losses. Simple enough. "

I read the match ups and the students are excited to start. Katsu is yet to do anything, so i would consider this a small win.

The matches go on for about 5 min per pair. Nothing interesting. I could usually predict the winner within the first minute and then spend the rest instructing the students on how to improve their techniques.

I left the good matches for the end on purpose. Uraraka suprised me with a trick she pulled off earning her the win.
Midoriya managed to control Black Whip and defeat Tetsutetsu.

Now for the final match Katsuki Bakugo vs Shoto Todoroki. Even though i know both of them pretty well, i still am not sure who is stronger. Hence the match up.

Katsu doesn't acknowledge me but atleast he doesn't disobey or create a scene. While on the other hand Shoto gives me a small smile.

At first they both seem evenly matched but soon its obvious that Katsu is a lot stronger. Following his win we return inside for an in depth analysis of the fight.

Let's just say the students hated this part. Even Vlad was bored. *Sigh*

Hopefully the students did understand where they needed to improve.

It was nearly lunch time so we let the students have fun.

The rest of the day was mostly uneventful.

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