The Children

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The child Daemon and Helaena had said they would have came quickly within the first month which Helaena and Daemon both thanked the  Gods for it.

Rhaenyra who also became pregnant quickly was 8 months while Helaena was 9.

During the birthing Helaena clung to Rhaenyra tightly as her twins were born. Two boys whom she named Vaegon and Aemon.

Daemon visited his daughter once he had heard she had given birth. When he entered the room he looked over at his daughter who lay on her bed as the midwives washed the children.

'How are you?' he asks

'I am fine, father' Helaena replies 'I have two healthy boys' she says after a pause

'That is wonderful' Daemon says with a small smile 'Our agreement is done, we have two children, we can once again be father and daughter'

Helaena nods with a happy smile on her face as Daemon walks over to the babies who coo up at him. Daemon strokes their faces before turning back to Helaena as Rhaenyra finishes braiding her hair.

'I will be the boys' grandfather' he declares 'I will not be their father'

With that after he kisses Helaena's forehead he walks out of the room. As soon as he is gone Rhaenyra looks at Helaena confused

'What agreement?' she asks

'Father and I said once we have had two children we will no longer be husband and wife in anything but title and we can bed whom ever we like' Helaena explains with a small smile on her face.

'Like me and Laenor' hums Rhaenyra 'very clever, cousin, very clever. Now you are free to do what you want with Aegon'

'My brother?' Helaena asks with a frown 'No, not if all the Gods paid me. Besides I am pretty sure he likes duck if you know what I mean'

'Really?' Rhaenyra questions 'Well, no I did not mean that Aegon. I meant the Hightower boy'

Helaena looks at her sharply 'What-? How-?' she trails off

'You two are not as good secret keepers as you think' Rhaenyra teases with a smile before laughing 'No, i heard you. My room was beside Aegon's remember'

'Oh, gods' Helaena smiles as she buries her face in her hands blushing

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