The aftermath

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Rhyaella looks around from her spot on her bed. Her skin had become paler almost see through and she had lost weight. A lot of it. Now she looked like a bag of bones held together by a piece of string. She looked like if someone blew on her she would fly away.

Alicent was into the room with Viserys who both can hardly contain their looks of shock when they look at Rhyaella.

'For give me' she says 'but I don't think I can stand'

'No worry sister' Viserys says his heart breaking knowing the news he will deliver will break Rhyaella 'How are you fairing?'

'The Maesters are worried but, soon I will see mother and father again.'

Viserys nods trying not to tear up

'Have you seen Rhaenyra?' asks Rhyaella unknowing making both Alicent and Viserys' hearts break a little bit more as she closes her eyes at a sharp pain in her lower back 'she has magic hands'

'Sister-' starts Viserys then clears his throat before continuing 'I am afraid Daemon and Rhaenyra went out into the city last night-'

'Rhaenyra? really? I never would have thought' sighs Rhyaella 'But it would be like Daemon to swade her into doing things she would never think of'

'Yes, well they went into the city, visited several taverns-'

'Very like Daemon' laughs Rhyaella with a wince 

'Yes, then they went to a brothel' Rhyaella's heart stops at the words 'Where they were seen-'

'No!' Rhyaella cuts Viserys off sharply her eyes snapping over to him with a shake of her head 'Rhaenyra would never-He would never-NO!'

Viserys rushes over as Rhyaella starts to sob violently but he pushed off as Rhyaella curls up into a ball on her bed. Alicent puts a hand over her mouth as she turns away from the sight. Guards in the hallways bow their heads when they hear the pain filled screams and sobs of the Queen in All But Name.

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