One must understand the consequences of their actions

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Rhaenyra walks with her head lowered tears in her eyes Ser Cristin Cole behind her. She has just come from talking with Alicent who had informed her of Rhyaella's reaction to hearing about Daemon and herself.

Now humbled Rhaenyra walks towards Rhyaella's bedchambers to beg for her forgiveness.

When she reaches the door of Rhyaella's chambers she knocks waiting. She fully expects to be turned away, but Rhyaella's voice calls 'Enter'

Slowly Rhaenyra walks into the room closing the door behind her as Ser Cristin stands in front of the door beside the four of Rhyaella's guards.

Rhyaella looks sicker then she did this morning. All the meat on her bones looks to have vanished along with the light in her eye. She looks like a corpse.

'Rhaenyra' says Rhyaellla as she looks upwards with a sigh before closing her eyes 'I am surprised to see you here'

'I'm so sorry' Rhaenyra bursts out as she falls to her knees beside Rhyaella's bed side clasping one of her hands. 'Daemon and I-We never-I am so sorry'

To her surprise Rhyaella pats her hand making Rhaenyra look at Rhyaella shocked as she looks back at her 'I could never blame you, my girl. You are like a daughter to me. And I could never blame you. I am guessing it was all Daemon' Rhyaella sighs 'Everyone is powerless with it comes to Daemon'

'Remember I do not blame you. I could never blame one of my children'

Those words would haunt Rhaenyra for the rest of her life. 

They would be the last words that Rhyaella Targaryen, Mother to Aemond, Aegon, Helaena and Rhaegar Targaryen. The Oldest Princess of the Seven Kingdoms, Sister to Viserys Targaryen King of the Seven Kingdoms and the first wife to the Rogue Prince Daemon Targaryen Prince of the Seven Kingdoms. The Queen in all but name, would ever say to anyone ever again.

Because she died of a broken heart three hours later.

Don't worry she will return in dreams and visions. But she will no longer be alive. Now the story will follow Rhaegar and Rhaenyra. Sorry about her death

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