▪︎ thirteen : dark sorcerer ▪︎

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"ugh why does he always faint on the way? we need to get him somewhere to give him at least the powers to travel to that portal." renjun, upon donghyuck's arrival with an unconcious mortal mark on his hands, rolled his eyes sassily.

"don't be a bitch and help me out here." even with the unpleasant nickname, renjun still strided over to the younger's side and helped.
"get jaemin."

"asshole, i'm literally right here for you to ask. what is it?"

donghyuck huffed and gave a curt nod, "mark has the sight."

"...what?" renjun exhaled with a confused expression on his face.
"donghyuck, only inmortals have the sight. what do you mean this mortal has one?"

"he was chased by more evil spirits and even got injured. he saw me fighting with those spirits, renjun. he told me he saw dark shadows chasing him." renjun closed his eyes and made a long inhale before placing his hands on both side of his hips.
"so someone gave him the sight..."

"so what are we gonna do?"

"i don't know..." donghyuck responded with a small voice, expressing his unsureness. this was the first time he was stuck in a simple situation that he made in a complicated one. he could just easily leave him be to be chased by the spirits and one soul would be lost just like that, not affecting him in any way. death has always been such a minor thing for him. but he was unsure to why he hated to see mark suffering even just for a small bit. even if it's just a papercut or a scratch on the knee.


"yeah?" the devil responded, looking at donghyuck with a questioning expression.

"we're taking him to the dark sorcerer."


"are you sure you want to do this, hyuck? you know how they don't accept mortals in there." jaemin asked, holding renjun's hand in his. mark stood behind the fallen who had his head wrecking on his final decision.

"they don't accept mortals?"

"no they do, just... only ones with-"

"let's just go inside. we'll talk them into it, see if they can help mark in any way." donghyuck huffed and walked confidently into the darkest cave.

it was an eerie feeling as they stepped deeper into the carved walls of the hollow surrounding. all they could see was probably only a few feet infront of them from the hot torch jaemin held to lead the way. meanwhile mark looked weirdly calm at the unlightened cave, the home of the dark (not evil) spirits.

"are you sure this is the right way, love?" renjun asked as he turned to face his boyfriend beside him.

"i'm not, but we're close. see those more crowded carvings on the walls? it's theirs."

during the old times, dark sorcerers were stuck inside the cave because of their negative effect to the sunlight towards their bodies. they burn under it, which was unique because in tales, vampires seem to be the ones who were afraid of the sunlight, as they would burn under it and be cooked alive. but as time went on, those vampires turn into ones who were able to do magic that they possessed and learned from the dark spirits, making them be called the dark sorcerers.

and it has been centuries since they were known, but not seen directly. but it has been known too that they were able to do magic that even the devils and angels couldn't do or didn't know.

"we're here." said the youngest devil, stepping forward first and turning off the torch.
"don't make a noise, it'll anger them."

jaemin took a scared mark with him and walked to the middle of a well-lit part of the cave, surrounded by standing statue-like people with their eyes and mouth shut tight.

"we call upon thee, dark sorcerer."

the devil spoke in hebrew, raising the circular platform the two stood in, which shocked the mortal greatly as he exclaimed a 'woah' in shock.

"for what purpose do you call upon us, devil?" the sorcerer took a step forward, scaring the mortal once more. but jaemin stood his ground, along with donghyuck and renjun who stood at the entrance with a small peep as they didn't want to disrupt.

"i come to ask for a favor." the youngest spoke with confidence that masked his fear in the thought of what he just said.

"and what would that be?"

"this mortal here that i have accompanied have been chased by the evil spirits twice. would it be possible to know if we could release him from the target lable?" at his words, the sorcerer showed no emotion. but jaemin coud feel that he was asking for something big. being targeted was one thing, but being removed from being the target was another thing.

"it is possible." jaemin exhaled in victory, but the continued statment said otherwise,
"you need to give us something in return."


"no." a voice stopped jaemin's words, making them all turn their heads towards it. donghyuck stood in his place firmly, having his palms in a grip till his knuckles turn white. he looked... worried.
"no jaemin, you're not sacrificing anything. i will."

"once stepping into the grounds of the dark, there will be no turning." the tall sorcerer spoke again, this time a little warning laced in his voice. donghyuck got a little mad, but he knew he couldn't break the rules of the dark. he knew the punishment will be greater if he does so.

"it's okay, hyuck. it's for mark."

"what? what punishment will you get? it's okay, jaemin. it's totally okay if i get chased by the evil spirits i don't even feel a thing!"

"that's because you're immune, mark. the creature that gave you the sight also gave you immunity. but that doesn't last forever, you know?" the devil spoke with a softer voice. was jaemin being too kind? no. devils are not as evil as people think. they're just powerful enough to the point that only their evil powers were shown to people. that's why mark was quite shocked with how these devils wanted to help him.


"it'll be fine, junnie. really."

"jaemin this is the dark sorcerer's payment we're talking about. we don't know how bad it can be-"

"and we don't know how okay it will be, love." jaemin cutted his lover's words with a reassuring tone in his voice. renjun wanted to argue again but knew it was useless since there's a rule about getting out of the circle.
"whatever it is, i'm sure i can handle it."

with a curt doubtful nod, renjun stepped back with his head lowered, staying by donghyuck's side for the moment.

"the promise has been locked. mortal mark lee, please step forward to receive the word." mark obeyed and stepped foward rather slowly, because who wouldn't be freaked out to be called forward by the dark sorcerer and not knowing what they'll do? nevertheless, he didn't want to put the other's hard work to waste just because he was being a scaredy cat.

"uhm... should i-" he was cut by a sword aimed at his head.

"mark?" jaemin spoke softly behind him which stopped the mortal's words.
"it's okay, he won't do anything to hurt you."

mark took a deep breath and let out a soft "okay" to assure himself that everything would be okay.

the sword was place right in the middle of his two eyes, his temple to be exact. he closed his eyes as his palm gripped tightly, nails practically piercing to the skin of it.

a few seconds in and still there was silence between them all there. mark still with his eyes closed, donghyuck and renjun peering anxiously, and jaemin standing still with his eyebrows furrowed. then the sorcerer spoke.

"it seems that a creature has given this man immortal powers." the sorcerer remarked, and jaemin stepped forward with a questioning look.

"what... creature?"

"a fallen angel."


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