▪︎ seven : eyes ▪︎

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donghyuck expected to meet mark again. it was a few days after seeing him again, and weirdly donghyuck no longer thinks that it's a really bad thing to keep thinking about him. besides, what else should he think about inside his head?

as said, he was expecting, so he haven't met mark yet. which was unusualy because usually he'd meet the boy a few seconds after arriving with his small red flames around his body.

"donghyuck, i'm not surprised." mark said as he peeked from the lockers, usually with his shocked face and now with his bored face. 5 minutes. that's how long it took for mark to show up. weird, but donghyuck took it as a sign that it probably was just because mark was in class.

"i'm just bored."

"i see." the canadian said as he went to his locker followed by a curious donghyuck behind him.

"what lesson is after this?"

"it's not highschool, so i'm done for the day. tomorrow is weekend amyways, this is just an extra class." mark chuckled lightly and closed his locker, putting his bags down to a nearby bench and took off his shirt.


"uhm.... changing?"

"why are you changing your clothes?!" donghyuck exclaimed, shock by mark's sudden behaviour.

"donghyuck... you know you're in the boys lockers room right? i play basketball in the team, that's why i'm changing into a basketball jersey to practice."

"y-you're a part of the team?" the older nodded while giving a confused look as if donghyuck didn't hear the word or know what basketball is.

"yeah. a basketball team. one of my friends enjoy it a lot back in highschool, so i played with him until he went back to china and i stayed. we promised to be in the basketball team once we graduated highschool." a little laugh was enough to make donghyuck's heart soften. he didn't know why but mark was making him feel things he shouldn't. like... now. he felt as if he adored mark a lot and his heart just softened in its own way.
"uhh.. donghyuck?"


"why are your eyes gold?"


"fuck fuck fuck fuck. i should have never softened up to him like you said. YOU LIED!"

"yOu LiEd, yeah right, hyuck. now look, i just told you that there's nothing to punish you for talking to him. guess your angel instincts did that." jaemin spoke as he toyed with his powers on the tip of his fingers, lazily sitting on ghe couch.

"but that doesn't mean that i could soften up to him, right?"

"well.... softening up to him was actually your choice because of your attraction to him, hyuck."

"UGH!" the fallen groaned in annoyance as he took a handful of his hair and ruffled it.

he couldn't. he didn't want to be the weak angel he's always been. he's always thinking that it's better to be a fallen and that's what happened and he's thankful for that. but he didn't know fallens can go back to angels as easy as that.

"it's not as easy as it looks, hyuck. there are ways you should follow. it's in the myth."

"it's only a myth, and i don't want to know or else i'll do it. i'll stay as a fallen."

"whatever cooks your meals, donghyuck." the ravenette said as he giggled a little before making the small fire on the ground disappear by a step of his boots.
"so this mark guy accidentally saw your angel eyes."

"yeah. ones i haven't showed in a long time."

"and he doesn't know what angels and devils are."


"and you didn't tell him?"

"i don't want him to know that i'm a weird loser." jaemin stopped himself in front of the shorter male, quite shocked with his answer but let out a small exhale.

"donghyuck, what makes you think that you're a loser?"

"being an angel. i become weak." again, jaemin sighed at donghyuck's unwise response at his own born creature.

"angels aren't weak. you're just too stubborn and hard headed to know the true powers of an angel, hyuck. hell, even i can't get through your head like angels can."

"you can go through my head? how the fuck are you supposed to do that..."

"they can read minds." the black haired male went back to his seat on the sofa when he heard the door to his room open, revealing another pretty devil he seemed to be expecting.
"don't underestimate an angel's ability, donghyuck. you'll see why."

and donghyuck didn't believe jaemin. to this day to this very second, he didn't want to become an angel like he used to. angels are weak. that's what he always thought of.

angels can fall and become a fallen, but devils can't fall any further because they're already at the bottomless pit. and he wanted that. to do mistakes knowing he's already at the end and don't have any limit to reach because he's already at the bottom.


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