13 | opposites react

Start from the beginning

"Hockey season is over, cutie. Shouldn't you know as Lee Jeno's number one fan?"

"Shut up," Chaerin snarls despite the blush on her cheeks. "You... you didn't say anything stupid to him, did you?" She asks, albeit hesitantly.

Her sudden question even seems to catch Haechan off-guard, the boy's eyebrows raising by a fraction at her timid tone. "Cherry, I'm not as bad a person as you think. Jeno's not ignoring you, he's just busy."

"I- I didn't even say anything! Gosh, you're annoying," Chaerin mutters before turning back to her work.

The tanned boy rolls his eyes before turning back to me. "Heard of your little escapade with Mark yesterday."

His statement causes Chaerin to perk up a little bit, obviously interested in the sudden shift in conversation.

I clear my throat, diverting my attention to the oil stain on the metal counter. "Yeah. We hung out."

"Uhuh. Yena, that boy is as awkward as a cow on skates! Did anything happen? C'mon, tell me! Just so I could use it to my advantage." He leans forward eagerly.

"I'll have you know that my best friend is also just as awkward as a cow on skates," Chaerin interrupts, earning a hey! from me. "So it cancels out. You know, like PEMDAS."

Haechan snickers, and I narrow my eyes at my best friend for seemingly fraternising with her enemy for the mere sake of making fun of me.

"Where is he, anyways?" I blurt, the question burning in my mind ever since Haechan stepped in.

He gives me a knowing look, wiggling his eyebrows. "I don't know," he finally utters, leaning his head against his palm. "Mark's a busy guy. Always running around doing nerd shit. I don't know anyone who willingly stays in school to coop up in the science lab."

"Ha. Nerrrd," Chaerin utters under her breath.

"Be nice," I warn her, but my roommate only sticks her tongue out at me.

"It's true." Haechan shrugs. "You know he's doing the internship at Seo Industries, right? Only like, super smart people get in there."

"Isn't that the place Sera always talks about?" Chaerin asks as she glances at me, and I nod.

Our youngest roommate would often express her interest in working at Seo Industries, the company specialising in science and tech. They're centred around researching for cures to various diseases, while also developing the best high-tech machinery and even military weapons, though there is a rumour that the owner is a crazy scientist.

I try not to dwell on the fact that Mark had chosen to keep that fact about him hidden, knowing that Mark is Mark and he doesn't like to talk about himself unless asked. It makes me realise that there is probably a lot more I don't know about him, and for some reason, I'm embarrassed.

Here I am, full-on declaring the crush that I have on him, despite not knowing him at all.

"Mark doesn't like to talk about it, though. The working hours are crazy long, I bet he doesn't even get paid enough to do whatever it is he's doing," Haechan explains as he rolls his eyes. "I keep trying to convince him that it isn't worth it, but the dude idolises that nutjob Seo Johnny."

My lips part at the new information, and my mind instantly goes back to our first time at Moon's when he had to abruptly leave, and all the other times when he would come in late to Professor Qian's lectures. Maybe his internship at Seo Industries is as crazy as it sounds.

"Anyways, enough about Mark Lee. What are you two beauties up to this weekend?"

"Because you're the one asking, I'm just gonna say I have plans," Chaerin says flatly as she continues to sketch with her pencil. "And don't even bother asking Yena. She's probably just gonna rot at home like she always does."

Haechan turns to me as though to ask for a confirmation, and I merely shrug in reply, knowing that what Chaerin is saying is the truth.

"Lighten up! Pretty girls like you should he hanging out with pretty boys, like me. I'm having a bonfire this weekend with a few of my friends. Come chill."

"Yeah, you're pretty— pretty ugly." Chaerin puts down her pencil before turning on her stool to face Haechan. "I'm already forced to see your ugly face at school every day, I'm not gonna sacrifice my weekends to do the same."

Haechan grins, Chaerin's words not fazing him in the slightest. "C'mon, it'll be fun! Yena, you in? Mark will be there." He wiggles his eyebrows.

"I don't know," I admit. Though the mention of the boy did make my heart skip a beat, I think it would be better for my being if I just stay away from him for a while.

Besides, like Chaerin had said earlier, crushes come and go, so I'm sure I'll get over whatever this is I'm feeling for Mark Lee in no time.

New character just dropped 🚨🚨🚨 You'll be seeing a lot of Johnny in the upcoming chapters so look forward to that! The next chapter is one of my favourites so stay tuneddd :-)

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