Late night conversations?

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"Uyadelela." says Michelle. (You are disrespectful.) "Angdeleli. Some rules are just useless and i don't see the purpose of it. If she has a problem she must come to me and we will sort it out by fighting. She can't just involve the child cause she wants to win mother of the year award." I say. (I'm not disrespectful.) "Remember ukhuti umtanakhe ukhona." (her child is here.) "Yeah I know."

"Mara its her daughter so she has the right to do that." she says. "What constitution book states that if you beefing with someone you must make the whole family hate the person you also hate unless it's your best friend." I say. "Unedrama nawe." (You overdramatic.) "But you know I'm right."

"I know that. She has a problem with everyone. I think she has a jealousy issue." she says. "I always knew that." I say and she laughs. We get to the destination and we get out of the car. Slindo is walking in the middle and we go to eat at a restuarant. The waitress leads us to a table that has the view of the beach and she takes our orders.

"What are we gonna do after eating?" asks Slindo. "We going to go play games and after we going to go to the aquarium at Ushaka Marine and learn about the types of fish that live in the water." I say. "Do you like my mom?" I cough. "I don't have a problem with her. Why?" "I was just asking." I nod.

Don't tell me she was listening to our conversations and now she is going to tell her mother what she heard. The waitress brings our drinks and we thank her. "Have you decided what food you going to order?" she asks. "I'll have the double stack cheese burger with extra bacon and extra large chips." I say.

"I'll have meaty combo. Excluding the onion rings and please make the sauce spicy." says Michelle. "I'll have ribs with extra large chips." says Slindo and we chuckle. "Okay your food will be ready in the next thirty minutes or so." she says and we nod.

"Are you eating for two?" asks Michelle. "I should be asking you the same thing." I say. "It's just a question you don't have to avoid." "Same applies to you." We laugh.

"How is school?" I ask. "It's okay. My dad wants me to change schools because I'm a big girl now but I don't want to leave my friends behind." says Slindo. "You turning 5 next year?" "Yes." "Your dad wants you to start big school thats why you changing schools."

"But I don't want to go." she says. "You know in big school you learn a lot of things that you don't learn at the school you go to plus you can make new friends you are kind and funny." I say. "I will only go if my friends go to the same school." "You have to get used to new environments. I know it's not easy to adjust but once you do its going to be easy to fit in."

"So what do we do in big school?" she asks. "You learn a lot of things and you get homework but you still young so you will get it when you a bit older." I say. "Did you enjoy changing schools?" "Yes and no." "Why no?" "Cause i had to make new friends and it wasn't easy for me to adjust easily."

"How did you cope?" she asks. "I just told myself that it's going to be okay and if they don't like me they can shove their ass where the sun doesn't shine." I say and she giggles. "Isn't ass a swear word?" "It is, my bad." "So it doesn't matter if people don't like you?" "Yes it doesn't as long as your family loves you then everything else doesn't matter."

"I think I'll like this new school." she says. "If they bully you tell me so I can kick them." I say and she giggles. "If you weren't dating right now i would go put in a good word for you to Kuhle." says Michelle. "One of the many reasons why I'm dating." She laughs.

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