Dimensional Arc Part 8 (20): Crimson and the Ink Machine

Start from the beginning

Crimson: Why this there a weird Mickey Mouse knockoff here?

The Goth inspected the figure and it seems to be just a cardboard cut out.

Crimson: Wonder why there is a random cut out in the middle of the hall. Could've placed it to the side or something.

Suddenly she accidentally bumped into the an old camera and it started to show some sort of cartoon.

After the cartoon the camera......... exploded and Crimson started clapping.

Crimson: Not bad, not bad for the Mickey Mouse knockoff.

Crimson turned to move along but sees the cutout was gone.

Crimson: Speaking of which, where did the cardboard cutout of it go?

That when a evil laughter was heard as Crimson sees the cutout move away from her.


Crimson and the cutout began a wild goose chase. Suddenly she say the cut out be it hid in a corner when she looked at it. She turned away as the cut out came out of its hiding spot and looked at her. Crimson turned back and sees the cut out hiding again.

Crimson: Oh so it's like then....

She then an idea.

Crimson: Red Light.

The cutout hides again.

Crimson: Green Light.

The cut out of hiding. Yep. The Goth was playing red light green light with a cut out. Or playing would be the correct term of this was the strategy.

Crimson: Red Light, Green Light, Red Light, Green Light, Red Light, Green Light.

Crimson continue to spam Red Light and Green Light back to back to the point that the cut out.

Cut-Out: Y'know what? Fuck this shit I quit!

The cut out proceeds to explode.

Crimson: Ya, never mess with a goth!

That is when Crimson looked to her right and sees this.

That is when Crimson looked to her right and sees this

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Crimson: What this. Some sort of printer?

That is when she find a tape recorder. And it started to speak. Crimson picked up so she could here.

Tape Recorder: Yo douchebag, Yeah you! We need to this machine running again. So listen to this backstory: Blah blah blah fucking ink and shit blah blah blah. You got that?

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