𝟷𝟹. 𝚖𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚝

Start from the beginning

"I-I can't find her," I said panicking. "Can you use your super hearing?" I asked Scott and he gave me a nod before concentrating. "Anything?" I asked him. "They are in the locker room." He said but I didn't let him finish and I just ran towards them.

I burst into the door and made my way in. "Lydia?!" I said and then I saw her and she turned around. "Are you okay?" I asked her and she nodded. "What's happening?" I asked her before she pointed towards Aiden and Cora fighting. I saw Aiden grab Cora by the throat and throw her across the locker room and she hit herself on the wall which made me let out an 'ouch'.

I saw Aiden walk up and lift one of the weights. "Aiden, stop! Stop!" Lydia pleaded with Aiden but he didn't stop and hit Cora with the weight on her head, I stepped in and did my thing. "Mittent!" And Aiden flew across the room hitting himself with one of the lockers. Aiden let out a groan before getting up and letting out a growl and walking toward me.

I used my hand and squeezed it making him choke. "Touch one of them and I will break every bone in your body," I said to him with gritted teeth before Scott, stiles, and Ethan came in. "Katherine, let him go!" Scott said to me and I nodded. "Not until he understands he won't hurt any of you," I said squeezing my hand more.

"Kat, you going to kill him." I hear stiles say and my eyes flash into my werewolf eyes. "Tell me you understand that you won't hurt any of them," I said but he didn't say anything so I squeezed my hand even more. "A-All r-right i-I understand." He said to me and I let go of him.

"Good because if you don't you don't know me that well to see what I will do if you harm anyone that I love," I said before walking to Lydia and Cora and not taking a glance and Stile or Scott at all. "Aiden, you can't do this!" Ethan said to his brother help him up.

"She came at me!" Ethan said angrily glaring at me and I returned it. "It doesn't matter! Kali gave Derek until the next full moon. You can't touch him or her." Ethan said to his brother who was finally calming down before they left Aiden took one more glance at Lydia.

"Hey, guys, I think she's pretty hurt," Stiles said making me look at Cora and kneeling and placing my hand on her forehead, and closing my eyes. "What are you doing?" Scott asked me and I opened my eyes.

"I healed her wound but it will take longer to heal, don't know why?" I said shrugging my shoulder and taking my hand off Cora. "Cora?" I asked and I saw her opening her eyes. "Hey," I said letting out a relieved sigh, Lydia and I helped Cora get up.

"Are you okay?" I asked her while she walked to the sink and grabbed a paper towel and wiped the blood off her forehead. "She doesn't look okay," Lydia said to us. "I'll heal." She said to us. "I did a spell and it will help you heal," I said to her with a soft smile before Cora stepped back she look not so well and she almost fell stiles caught her but she stepped back. "I said I'm fine." She said making me let out a scoff.

"You not fine," I said to her. "Do you realize How suicidally crazy that was?"  What were you thinking going after them?" Stiles said to Cora before she snapped at him. "I did it for Boyd." She said making me look down. "None of you were doing anything." She said to all of us.

"We're trying," Scott said walking closer to her. "And you're failing. You're just a bunch of stupid teenagers running around, thinking that you can stop people from getting killed. But all you do is show up late. All you do is find the bodies." She said before I looked up and let out a scoff. "Maybe, you're right," I said to her while they turned to look at me.

"Maybe, we are just a bunch of stupid teenagers who think we can stop them but no we are not, we try and we fight against them and don't give up. But you, you almost killed yourself for what?" I asked her crossing my arms and walking to her. "Katherine-," stiles said but I stopped him. "No, stiles. You almost died without thinking you attacked Aiden knowing that you can't beat him and you came alone.

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