Chapter 51-52

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   Chapter 51 The money is there, no beast dares to come

   "Yes, we have money!"

   "With money and money, no beast dares to come."

   Those who fly in the sky are not afraid of money, but those who run on the ground are still afraid.

   And money doesn't need to do anything, just sleep by the rice field.

   Smell its smell, naturally no one dares to go on it.

   That's it! Everyone recharges their energy at night, and fights tomorrow.

  After dinner, Lin Lang and Li Xian took the money to the edge of the rice field.

Li Xian's communication with Qian Qian has become smoother now, Qian Qian can easily understand what he means, Lin Lang rubbed his head again and explained, Qian Qian seemed to understand two or three points in his eyes, and threw it lazily. Tail, gave a low growl to Lin Lang, and fell down beside the rice field.

   So happy that Lin Lang couldn't help rubbing it again: "Our money is smart and good! I'll add deer legs to you tomorrow!"

   The leg meat is the most plump and plump, and it is worth rewarding money. After all, it does everyone's work alone, and it's just one night!

   That night, everyone slept very sweetly.

   The next day just dawned, and Yu Yan and Wu Yun, who were on duty, got up and guarded the field.

  Lin Lang was not very relieved, and after a while he also pulled Li Xian to go.

   Who knows that everyone has almost the same mind, and they all arrived one after another.

  You look at me, I look at you, I can't help but laugh.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

   "We all thought of a piece!"

   "In the morning, the birds are the most, so it's better if there are more people. Let's get rid of this group."

   "That's right!"

  Morning is the active and peak period for the birds to forage, and the rice with better maturity than yesterday is undoubtedly a fatal attraction for them!

   No bird can resist this delicacy.

   This morning, the group was exhausted again.

  Fortunately, on these days, we can count the days with our fingers, so that people can see hope, and hope is clearly in front of us.

  It was finally the day of harvest, everyone went together, the sickle and hatchet were not particular, they used whatever could be used, and it took less than an hour to complete the three-point field.

  Lin Lang had been prepared for a long time. Before, he used bamboo strips to weave wide and long bamboo mats and spread them in the yard to dry the rice.

  It also needs to be threshed before drying.

This is also done before. It is a three-dimensional trapezoidal square bucket made of wooden boards and bamboo nails. It is half a person high, with a wide upper mouth and a narrow lower mouth. Holding a small handful of rice in the hand and hitting the inner wall, the rice will naturally fall off. .

  In the last days, what kind of primitive ancient tools really appeared, and some people compiled them into atlases one by one. When they were free, Lin Lang and Li Xian also watched and discussed it.

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