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Rose had stopped responding. She was frozen and wondered why do she blush or her heart beats faster every time Maria flirts with her. She is straight, she shouldn't be getting butterflies from a woman. And there is no such thing as turning gay!


"You are so beautiful"

There she goes again blushing like a mad woman. The position she was in, on Maria's lap made it even more embarrassing for her.

"Maria I-" Rose tries to get up from embarrassment but Maria stops her.

"What's the matter?"

"Ah-its weird to talk like this"

"No its not"


"You are my Sugar Baby, it's not weird" Maria wondered how she will manage in future if Rose is overwhelmed by just these baby steps.

"I think you are right" Rose tried to be professional. And tried to focus on her face.

"I can't..she is just too cute" Maria chuckles, thinking.

"Alright, let's go to bed" Maria says gently making her stand up and gets up as well to leave.


"By going to bed you meant like sleeping together?" Rose tried to say calmly while feeling the exact opposite. They were in Maria's room. It was a bit weird for her but it was too late to go back.

"Mhm" Maria says removing her jewelry and keeping it on a table not paying much attention to the situation.

"How can I make Mr.Robert to give in the deal?" Maria thought about her work.

"Rose, do you think headphones with speaker is a good idea?" Maria suddenly asks a question out of context.

"Isn't it contradicting it's purpose?" Rose says and waits for her to explain her weird question.

"So you don't like an out of the box idea?"

"It's not that...I just think some things doesn't need to be collaborated. I mean, I would never get a headphone......speaker" Rose says thinking and nods her head. Maria doesn't answer, she just stares at her face for a few seconds and makes an anonymous call. Rose was sitting there still confused, as much as this women was mysterious, she was much more strange.

"No need to persuade Robert anymore, I changed my mind, the product is not impressive" Maria says to her purchase head.

"Did she just take a business decision on my advice??" Rose thought not believing it.

"I have no knowledge about the market!" Rose says as she felt responsible for it.

"You are the customer. If you are not going to purchase it, what is the point in making?"

"Anyways, I am so tired. Traveling for 12 hours is no joke. I don't feel like moving a muscle" Maria says ranting while getting on bed.

"Yeah..." Rose was the epitome of awkwardness.

"You are my first Sugar baby-no, you are my first partner who is this shy" Maria says resting her head on her arm as she lay on bed facing Rose who sat besides her.

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