The decision

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Kerry then said "Morris I can't really decide on us leaving and becoming Deserters or staying here and testing our luck. Morris looked at Kerry and said "I think we should just stay here and tell what happened... Even though we might get in trouble it's better than becoming deserters and hunted by our own state." Kerry looked at Morris for a couple of seconds then sighed and said disgruntling "true it is better, to tell the truth, and not be hunted... But if we run away maybe we can find that traitorous bastard and kill him and return and say wed gone out hunting the bastard who killed all our men!" Morris laughed so much he fell on the ground and when he got up he said: "Do you know what would happen to us if we said that, they would put us in front of a judge and have us court marshaled for fleeing the crime scene." Kerry then sighed and fell into a chair that she hadn't realized was there until the fell. Morris looked at her worried thinking she had fallen from exhaustion so he walked over and picked her up and started toward her room when she said: "what are you doing Morris?" He laughed and said "you need your rest so I'm carrying you to your room... Why are you not tired?" She then yawned and said, "Someone needs to be up so I will be expecting when I wake up for you to be up!" He then laughed and said, "Of course (chuckle) someone needs to be awake when the Commander gets here!" He then got to the door of her room. He opened it and saw a shadow in the corner which surprised him he then quickly put her in her bed came back out and saw the shadow gone. He walked around her living room for a couple before hearing a scream from Kerry's room. he ran to the door swung it open and saw Kerry still in her bed with a gash across her throat. He then looked around quickly and saw no one. He started looking around frantically and saw the Air vent was ripped open so he crawled in and saw a tail waving around. He chased after it for what seemed like forever and when he finally caught up to it he realized what it was.

Hi sorry for not being on... I'd lost my PW and couldn't figure out what my email PW was... sorry lol well if you liked this Chapter is the shortest of them all (sorry) please vote :) and if you have any questions, comments, or Suggestions please tell me :)

The Last Creature From Hell (Book one of the Last one Series)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat