A new Breed

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Morris then looked at the creature wondering what it was and then looked around the room at the sleeping Staff Sergeant Kerry wondering what was going to happen to her if it went in there. He then looked at Wilkes and asked half scared half excited "What is that Wilkes and what should we do?" Wilkes replied with a low growl that made Morris flinch because he hadn't heard Wilkes growl that horrifying the whole time he had been around him. Wilkes then launched himself at the other creature and after a minute they stopped fighting and Wilkes was just walking around it, well it was staring at Morris Confused. Morris looked at Wilkes and saw he had stopped circling the other one and was now looking at Morris also except he was excited. Morris then realized what was going on it was a creature like Wilkes except it was female and most likely from another place.

Morris then said scared and confused "I guess you want 'her' to start living here with you so you can do what you do... I'm sorry but no we don't have enough metal for you both." Wilkes gave Morris a puppy dog face and Morris couldn't look at Wilkes so he caved in and then looked at Wilkes and almost laughed cause Wilkes was actually smiling at him showing all of his Razor sharp teeth that could make mulch out of a piece of metal. Morris then walked back into the room where Kerry was sleeping and he walked over to her realized. He had to let her know that he had said that the other creature could live there and that they needed to get allot more metal.

He then woke her up and told her what had happened she was pissed at him but understood when she walked out yelling the other one had to leave and Wilkes gave her the puppy dog eyes that he had given to Morris just a while before. Before Kerry could even say anything about the other creature being kicked out she caved. Morris walked out and laughed a bit when he saw her face after looking at Wilkes puppy dog face. Morris said half laughing "Sorry but your face is just too funny right now... You do look beautiful like that though." Staff sergeant Kerry then blushed of embarrassment and said "Don't say things like that well were around the squad Morris or I will make it that you won't be having much fun" Morris then laughed and said I haven't had much fun in quite a while... And you don't have to worry about me saying that in front of the squad I'm not as dumb as you think sometimes."

Kerry then looked away thinking (she shouldn't have said that, that she might have just hurt him) She then said "I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that. I know you wouldn't be that dumb. But we have a bigger problem then me calling you an idiot and that is what is the other one it's obviously not like the other one... Which you call Wilkes is it?" Morris then replied, "Yes I know that she is different then Wilkes and I was planning on trying to out the answer to that question also." Wilkes then looked at Morris with a knowing look and then actually spoke " Shesss thess lassst angelll" which Morris and Staff sergeant Kerry could barely understand or believe.

Morris then said half mumbling "You could talk this whole time... and you never thought of telling me that?" Wilkes then looked at Morris and actually shook his head no. And then said slightly more understandable "I couldn'tt talkk befffor thisss timeee buttt sssennse I havve hungg arround youu ssso mucch I havve llearrnned howw tooo ssspeakk you'rrr llangguagge ah bitt." Morris then laughed and said, "sorry Wilkes I didn't even think of that, but could you only speak when it's just you and the angel, or me and you, or me you and the angel please." Wilkes then shook his head up and down in response understanding it had put Morris in an awkward position.

Morris then said "I have to go to bed and sleep over this because it just came so suddenly and I have a migraine from it. Good night Wilkes, Kerry, and um should I just call her Angel... Wilkes?" Wilkes then replied, " That would work we don'tt ussuallyy have namess sso." Morris then said "OK her name is now Angel. Good night angel" Angel then looked at him happily she even smiled at him showing him that her teeth were just like Wilkes except they were red. Morris then walked back into his room even though Kerry kept saying he was supposed to rest in the Command post. Morris told her not to worry that he wasn't going to do anything other than sleep his in his own bed.

The Last Creature From Hell (Book one of the Last one Series)Where stories live. Discover now