A uncommon friendship begins.

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He looked at the creature now named Wilkes and wondered if he and it would become good friends or if it would just run off when they got outside. He then realized he needed to get it outside along with himself so he said "Wilkes time to go outside and see what has been going on outside in our absence. And yes I mean we need to ride in a jeep and meet up with my squad.". He then saw that Wilkes was looking at the jeep like it wanted to destroy it so Morris said "I know you're not used to riding inside a piece of metal but we need to its the only way to get to where my squad is. I'm very sorry".

The creature looked at Morris and just like humans would sigh it released a huge amount of air which made it sound like it had just sighed. Morris was staring at Wilkes surprised that it had sighed. He then looked through all the jeeps trying to find one that wasn't so easy to see in a forest when he saw it, a green fake leave covered jeep. He got in the driver's door and opened the passenger and waited till Wilkes slowly stalked into the passenger seat. Wilkes stared at Morris half scared half excited. Morris put his seat belt on and put the seat belt on Wilkes and saw that Wilkes was looking at Morris wondering what it was that he had just put over him.

Morris laughed silently and said "don't worry Wilkes it's just a seat belt, which is a leather strap that goes over you to make it that if we crash you have a 55% chance of being hurt which doesn't sound good but it's much better than the 99%  without a seat belt. Wilkes just stared at Morris and inside his eyes, Morris could read it saying "whatever you say I trust you, You're the one who healed me." Morris then said " I didn't technically heal you I just bandaged you up so your body can heal itself and also so it doesn't get infected.

Morris then started the jeep and heard the same sound as he had heard from the Camouflaged jeep without the sound of the metal being eaten. He then looked at Wilkes and said: "did you possibly eat the engine of this jeep also?". Wilkes then looked at him innocently. Morris then walked out and opened the front of the Jeep and saw that there were multiple bites out of the engine but they were much bigger then Wilkes's mouth so it hadn't been him. Morris then looked around looking for another creature when he noticed a tail with 10 spikes on it protruding from the jeep next to him.

He went and unbuckled Wilkes and pointed the tail out when he heard a Death defying scream coming from the jeep that the tail was protruding from. Morris looked at Wilkes and saw that it was glaring at the tail protruding from beneath the jeeps front. Morris then walked over and quickly opened the front of the jeep and saw that there was a creature inside that had spikes all over its body and a huge gash across its neck that he noticed was fresh, for there was blood and skin on a bitten piston. Morris then ran over to the first aid kit pulled out some Kerlix dressing, alcohol, and enough wrap that it would be completely covered.  He then worked quickly putting Dressing on then wiping away what blood he could with alcohol and then covering it with the wrappings and pushing as hard as he thought was necessary. He then looked at the creature and felt the blood slowly stop pouring out of the gash and saw that the creature was breathing slower then it should be. He then slowly looked at Wilkes and saw it was breathing faster, but he also noticed it was glaring at the other creature.

Morris than thought he might want to check if there was anything else in the first aid kit that might help the creature. But right before he got to the first aid kit he heard a crack and turned around and saw that Wilkes had bitten down on the other creatures head and had killed it. Morris was in utter disbelief that Wilkes had just killed one of his own kind. Morris then said in complete disbelief still " Why did you kill it wasn't it one of your own.... kind or was it just a creature that came from where you did... " Wilkes looked at Morris and Morris saw in its eyes sadness and betrayal. Morris then realized why Wilkes had killed it. Wilkes had thought that it might replace him or it might attack Wilkes and overpower him then kill Morris. Morris then said apologetically " Wilkes you'd never be replaced and if it had tried to kill me all I would have had to do is to remove the Wrap and it would of bleed out." Wilkes then looked at him accepting but Morris could also see a hint of anger in his eyes.

Morris looked at Wilkes then walked away sad that he had just gotten Wilkes mad at him, but then he realized that he was sad about getting Wilkes mad at him when he hadn't even known Wilkes for long. Morris then realized why he was sad (Wilkes had become a friend in an instant because when he had bandaged it up it had connected with him and he had connected with it... Why had he connected with Wilkes then?) He then realized it had been because Wilkes hadn't done anything wrong and he felt pity for him.

Morris then looked around and saw he had been walking for some time and he wasn't in the cargo bay anymore he was walking around his squads command post. He then looked around and saw Wilkes was laying on the couch asleep. Morris couldn't believe his eye Wilkes had literally fallen asleep with his tail under the couch and his head was in the back of the couch where he had taken a bite. Morris laughed about Wilkes taking a bite out of the couches back for his head but also was wondering what everyone would say when they got back and saw it there. He then laughed aloud so much he had started crying from laughing so much and when he stopped he noticed Wilkes was staring at him. He then said "sorry Wilkes did I wake you up? If I did I'm sorry was just thinking what everyone was going to think when they saw the whole you bit into the couch.

Wilkes then looked at Morris confused but Morris could also see the slight hint of amusement in his eyes, which made Morris laugh aloud. Wilkes looked at him confused why he'd laughed. Wilkes had even tilted his head to the left to show that he was confused. Morris looked at Wilkes wondering where Wilkes had learned to put his head to the left to show that he was confused. He then wondered if he had been doing that before and Wilkes had caught onto it by meaning confused. Morris then realized they needed to leave the base and meet up with his squad like he had said before. Morris then said "Well Wilkes time actually go. Let's go back to the cargo bay and see which jeep works."

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The Last Creature From Hell (Book one of the Last one Series)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora