Where to now?

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Morris then said "We will have to report that to the commander... And tell what happened with private John and also tell him that he was part of the Entitled Nine terrorist group. Kerry replied tiredly and worriedly "Could you do those I'm still tired please?" Morris then looked at her and could clearly she just wanted to not be the one to report that to the commander. He then said "Of course Kerry but remember that I did this for you next time that we are alone" he then kissed her on the cheek. She blushed realizing she had been caught. She then replied, "Aren't we alone right now?" Morris then laughed and said "Not really we have Wilkes and Angel... Which have been unusually quiet... You two OK?" Wilkes and Angel both shook their heads up and down in response to his question.

Morris then said "I forgot to say that you can talk around her also sorry" Wilkes then said "K and if you want we can sniff out the person that killed your whole squad... If you want but it looks like you killed them with that um what did you call it an air strike?" Morris then laughed and said half laughing "Yes it's called air strike and no thank you for sniffing them out... Wait to Sniff them out Kerry I think I have an idea of what to do with the squad problem!" Kerry then said, "What do you mean you have an idea of what to do with our squad problem." Morris then replied, "We can go and find a squad that is in need of a Staff sergeant and a sergeant." Kerry then thought about it for a minute then said: "That's not that bad of an idea but they know who is in our squad and if they look at who is in it before or after they come here they will know somethings up." Morris then realized that that would be a problem indeed so he just said "true... I guess the only option is to report the squad's death to the commander and hope that he doesn't get pissed at us for not being around our squad members."

Kerry then said "Let's just get it over with... So call them I will just stand here and see if they need to talk to me about anything." Morris then called and got a hold of a receptionist at the command post. He asked if he could talk to the Commander and was told that "The Commander is out of the command post heading off towards the Viper Strike Force HQ". Morris thanked her and hung up before she could reply and looked at Kerry and said "Um... We have a problem a huge one... The Commander is um... Coming here..." Kerry then looked at him confused, scared, and surprised. When she finally got over hearing that the commander was on his way she said: "Well Morris it seems we have two choices either run away and become deserters or tell the commander what happened and hope he doesn't get too angry at us." Morris looked at Wilkes and Angel and realized that they had a huge reason for not being with the rest of their squad. He then looked at Kerry and said excitedly " We have a reason for not being there with our squad! I was injured and you had stayed up all night to make sure I was OK and I was trying to learn more of Wilkes and Angel so to see how much help they would be to our squad!" Kerry looked at Morris thinking deeply and then said: "It works but there is a huge problem the Commander would ask you why you hadn't put asked one of our lower members to see how much help Wilkes and Angel would be." Morris realized it was true so he said OK well I guess then we still have two choices...I guess it's up to you since you are the highest ranking officer here..." Morris then looked at Kerry and saw she was again deep in thought.

The Last Creature From Hell (Book one of the Last one Series)Where stories live. Discover now