The rise of two queens

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Everyone was surrounded by light as the Royale queen appered. "I have waited long for this moment. At last your true forms is revealed. Märchenland's future is in your hands now. Our new queens. Royal Candy and Royal Luna." She said and everyone stared in awe when they saw Candy's and Luna's new forms.

" She said and everyone stared in awe when they saw Candy's and Luna's new forms

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(A/N. Royal Luna)

Candy and Luna opened their eyes. "I heard your voices calling for me." Candy said smiling. "Sorry for worrying you." Luna said. "Luna, Candy. Is it really you?" Happy asked. "It is." Pop said smiling. Candy and Luna turned to the Royale queen. "Royale queen." Candy said. "Mom." Luna added. "Candy, Jenna. I'm sorry. If only I had more power to give." The Royale queen said. "No. You're the mother to all fairies in Märchenland." Candy said with tears in her eyes. "We love you. No matter what." Luna said smiling as tears ran down her cheeks.

The Royale queen slowly disappeared. "Thank you everyone. Your future pages remains yet blank. Your hearts will fill them with a new tale. I'll always watch over you from afar." She said and sheded tears. "Royale queen!" Candy cried as Luna hugged her. Just then some tears landed on them and gave Candy the miracle jewel as Luna's mirror got the symbol of it. "Miracle jewel?" Candy said. "It might not have the power to grant wishes. But it'll help you find hope in the deepest despair. Same with your mirror. I pray that their light fills your future." The Royale queen said before she fully disappeared.

The pretty cure book then appered. Happy grabbed it. "It's still blank inside." She said. "It's like the queen said." Candy said and everyone turned to her and Luna. "The future is for you to decide." Luna then said smiling. The others smiled too. "Yes. There's a bright future waiting for us." Happy said. "Let's go find it together!" Everyone then said.

When the light disappeared they saw how darkness started to cover the world. "What's happening?" Happy asked worried. "The world." Peace started. "Is falling into a bad end." March ended. One of the giants then sent a gust of wind at them. "We gotta stop those giants, and fast." March said. "How the heck are we suppose to do that?" Sunny asked. "Don't worry." Candy said. "We two will handle it." Luna said smiling. "But how exactly?" Happy asked before Candy and Luna flew into the air.

"Candy, Luna!?" Happy said. "Let the new queens of Märchenland, let Royal Luna and Royal Candy handle it." Pop said. Luna and Candy then got light around them, making the giants stop. But then ink came from the sky and formed someone. "I'm king Pierrot. I shall bring a bad end to the world." King Pierrot said before appearing. He used his powers to make the giants move again. Both Luna and Candy tried more to keep them back.

Under them was ink creatures forming. "The pretty cure book will be mine. And the future will get a bad end." Pierrot said. The other cures then started to fight the ink creatures as Pop held the book safe. "All shall fall into despair. Your world will experience the worst possible thing. A bad end." Pierrot said. "Not while we're here." Candy and Luna said in unison.

The other cures managed to get rid of the ink creatures, but they came back. "Abandon all thought." King Pierrot said and everyone looked at him shocked. "Contemplate your situation how much you want. You won't escape it. You've meet your match. All you can do now is to curse your powerlessness. There's no bright future for you. Forgot all your impossible dreams." He added.

"That's not true." Happy said and kept fighting. "Pierrot. What are you?" She asked. "I'm resentment. Born from the negative emotions from all living creatures. I'm sure you've experienced them too. Hatred, sadness, anger, loneliness. As long you humans exist, those will always be in your veins. It's the story of despair." He answered as the cures had it tough. "Don't listen to him." Luna said. "Story of despair?" Happy said. "That incessant negativity evolves into an internal despair, that will consume the whole world. I'll rob you of all motivation and your race will fall into sloth. Your future is clouded by darkness." Pierrot said and knocked the other cures and Pop back.

The book fell onto the ground. "Fall into despair." Pierrot said and ink dropped onto the book, making the cures except for Luna to get dark auras around them. Luna and Candy looked at then scared. "The most precious people to us." Candy started. "We will help them." Luna said and took up her mirror. She and Candy soon started to use the power of the miracle jewel. "There's no use. Your future will get a bad end here and now." Pierrot said and sent a blast at them. The two was protected but couldn't do it for so long.

"There's no use. Your voices won't reach them as long they're in despair. It's impossible to save them." Pierrot said. "Our friends. Hear our call." Candy and Luna said. They held eachother's hands and focused their energy. "Pretty cure. Hope full calling!" They both shouted and sent their energy at the other cures. "Give up. Your future is allready stained by bad end. No hope remains." Pierrot said as Candy and Luna started to weaken in power. Just then the ink on the pretty cure book disappeared. "Thank goodness." Luna said. "We got to them in time." Candy said before she and Luna got knocked unconscious and fell.

Luckily the others appeared and caught them. Candy had returned to her fairy form as Luna was still in her royal form. The others handed them to Pop as they started to fight the ink creatures with their new forms. But then Pierrot shifted form and was on his way to destroy the world.

To be continued...

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