Pop's toy life

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(A/N. Original episode idea. Hope you like it.)

Jenna woke up and started to make herself ready for a new day. She was gonna do meet and greet in a big mall today and she was excited for it. Pop then flew up to her as she walked towards her bookshelf. "Good morning Jenna." Pop said smiling. "Good morning Pop. I'm so excited for the meet and greet." Jenna said with a big smile. Pop started to think a little. "Mind if I come with you?" He asked a little quiet. "Sure. But why if I may ask?" Jenna asked him.

"Well. It's just. I wanned to see more of the human world. So I'm gonna look around while you have your meet and greet. If it's okay with you princess." Pop said blushing in embarrassment. Jenna just smiled and hugged him. "You don't have to be embarrassed Pop. Ofcourse you can. Just be careful." Jenna said and Pop nodded. He then jumped into her bag and they where off. They arrived at the mall where that was full of people. "Are the others coming?" Pop asked Jenna from the bag. "Yeah. But that's later in the day." Jenna answered before they sat down by some stairs. "Ok Pop. Stay out of trouble. Meet me here in three hours." Jenna said and Pop nodded. "I will princess. I'm not easily distracted." Pop said before flying off.

Jenna smiled and went to her meet and greet. Pop flew all over the mall and looked at all interesting things he could find. Clothes stores, jewelry, food and more. Normally he would be calm, but something inside of him was going wild and he couldn't keep calm. He flew here and there before he was in a toy store. And his eyes widend at the sight. Plenty of toys was stacked and he couldn't stop smiling at the children's happy faces. He flew by the stuffed toys and sat down by some lions.

"These looks so real." He said and touched one. As he did it played a lullaby and he slowly drifted asleep. Just then a little boy around eight years old was looking at the lion dolls.

 Just then a little boy around eight years old was looking at the lion dolls

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(A/N. How he looks like. Not my art.)

His eyes scanned them until he saw the sleeping Pop. He picked him up and smiled. "This one looks so real. And it's so soft." He said and hugged him. He took Pop to the register where the cashier tried to scan him. "Hmmm. No scan. But I can just type it in." The cashier said and did just so. The boy payed and ran out the mall with Pop in his arms.

As he did Miyuki and the others had arrived and walked over to Jenna who was done. "Jenna. How was it?" Miyuki asked her. "It was so fun and exciting." Jenna said. "So. Everyone ready for some lunch?" Akane asked and everyone nodded. "Yeah. But we need to get Pop first. He came with me and is gonna meet up by the stairs." Jenna said and and the others followed her. When they arrived they waited but Pop didn't come. "Are you sure he's still here and not gone back?" Yayoi asked. "I'm sure." Jenna answered. Nao then saw the toy store and thought about something. "What if he went inside the toy store and some kid bought him?" She said and everybody gasped. "Now when I think about it. The boy we past when coming in here, he had a lion doll that looked like Pop." Reika said.

"We must get him back. Let's go." Jenna said and the others followed. In the Bad end kingdom was Majorina and Wolfrun playing cards. "You're not gonna win this time, your cheating hag." Wolfrun said and Majorina laughed. "You're wrong flee bag." She said. Just then Joker appered. "My dear friends. I got something that might interest you." He said and showed them an image of the little boy with Pop. "That lion fairy is in a little kid's hands. Why should we care?" Wolfrun asked as Joker laughed. "Because. The princess is very close to him. And if you two work together and capture him. Then she and the other cures wouldn't have a choice them to give up." Joker said.

Majorina and Wolfrun looked at eachother and smiled. "Sure thing. We'll capture that lion." Wolfrun said before Majorina got the nose and they teleported away.

Meanwhile was the little boy in the park and held Pop in his arms on a bench. "You're so cute. I'm gonna love you forever." He said and kept hugging Pop. Just then Pop woke up and looked around. He was shocked to see that he was in a park. But he was more shocked that someone was hugging him. He looked and saw that it was a little boy. Pop knew he couldn't do anything, as he would risk the pretty cures secret. "I'm gonna call you. Leo." The boy said and gave Pop a kiss on his head before hugging him more. Pop was sweating.

Just then Majorina and Wolfrun appered. Majorina used her book to make the people in the park get ingolfed in a dark aura. The boy was one of them. Pop panicked and flew off to get the girls, but Wolfrun jumped up and grabbed him. "Wouldn't think so lion cub." Wolfrun grinned at Pop as he tried to escape. The cures saw the bad end zone and hurried up. When they arrived they saw Majorina. "Pretty cure. Good to see you again." She smiled. "We're gonna stop you." Jenna said. Majorina then summoned an akanbe that looked like a teddy bear. The cures transformed.

After the cures fought they heard Wolfrun. "Aren't you forgetting something?" He asked and the cures gasped when they saw Pop in Wolfrun's hand. "Let him go!" Luna yelled. "I give you a choice. Either you give up and I let him go. Or you fight and I won't hesitate to feed him to the akanbe." Wolfrun said and held Pop over the akanbe who opened it's mouth. "What should we do?" Peace asked. "Don't listen to him." Pop yelled but then Wolfrun tightened his grip. "Pop can't make it any longer." Beauty said.

Luna looked at Pop and then her friends. "We can't give up. I won't let anything happen to Pop." Luna said and ran towards Wolfrun. "Luna!" Happy yelled. But Luna wasn't listening. Wolfrun smiled and threw the weakened Pop at the akanbe. Luna jumped and caught Pop in her arms before they both got swallowed by the akanbe. "Luna, Pop/big brother!" The other cures and Candy yelled as Wolfrun and Majorina laughed. Just then the akanbe started to act weird and it looked like it was getting kicked and punched from inside of it. "What the!?" Wolfrun said before Luna came flying out of the akanbe with Pop in her arms.

"Luna!" The others shouted happy. "As long my heart is full of hope. I won't let you win." Luna said and all the cures turned into their princess forms and finished of the akanbe, getting a decor of a teddy bear. Majorina and Wolfrun got mad and teleported away.

The cures transformed back and Pop opened his eyes. "Girls." He said smiling. "Take it easy Pop. Everything is okay." Jenna said smiling at him. Candy flew and hugged him as the others smiled. "So what are we gonna do with the little boy?" Akane asked. Jenna smiled and put Pop down before taking up her mirror and the teddy bear decor. She put it in. "Go go. Teddy bear." A voice said and a doll appered that looked like Pop. Jenna put it next to the boy before she and the others walked away.

They all walked as Pop spoke. "I'm sorry for causing trouble everyone. I hope you can forgive me." He said with his head down. Jenna just smiled and hugged him. "It wasn't your fault Pop. Everyone gets excited sometimes. And you're safe now. That's the important thing." Jenna said and the others nodded. Pop smiled big. They all then ate lunch and had so much fun for the rest of the day.

Jenna and Pop returned and was in Jenna's bedroom as she had gotten into bed. Pop said goodnight and started to fly out but Jenna spoke. "Pop. Can you come here a little?" Jenna asked and Pop flew closer. "What is it Jenna?" Pop asked. Jenna reached out her arms and pulled Pop close to her. He was shocked. "I just wanned to have some company with my bestest friend." Jenna said as she hugged Pop tight and gave him a kiss on his head. Pop smiled and closed his eyes. "Goodnight Jenna." He said. "Goodnight Pop." Jenna said and they both fell asleep. With eachother close.

The moon of hope.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora