Smile vs bad end

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The cures and Pop looked at the five bad end pretty cures. "Bad end pretty cure?" Happy said. "This can't be happening." Peace said worried. "They're exactly like us." March said. "No they're not." Beauty said. "That's right. They're just rip-offs of us." Sunny said. Joker laughed. "They are. The bad end pretty cures doesn't take after you at all." He said and snapped his fingers, making the bad end pretty cures walk forward.

Bad end Happy then spoke. "You know. I love happiness. I don't care if others are sad or feeling down. As long as I'm happy. When I see others down I feel so great that I have privilege to be happy. That's why." She started and was charging her attack. "I want to bring misfortune to this world." She ended and shot her attack at the cures and Pop, making them fly back. Happy was holding on to Pop who was holding Candy in her miracle jewel form.

But then bad end Happy shot one more attack at the girls so they all but Luna flew into Joker's cards. Pop fell towards the ground but Luna quickly caught him before they landed. "Are you okay?" She asked. "I'm good, Candy too. But you're hurt." Pop answered. Joker then laughed. "The bad end pretty cures are battle machines. You're friends doesn't stand a chance." He laughed. Luna put Pop down before standing up glaring at Joker. "Free my friends at once!" She shouted.

"Oh the little princess and lion fairy is protecting the miracle jewel. Give it to me freely and I won't hurt you." Joker said smiling. "I'll never hand over Candy!" Luna said and stood ready to fight. "Have it your way." Joker said and launched at Luna who started to fight. She held up a good fight before getting knocked to the ground next to Pop. "Jenna!" Pop screamed as Joker laughed. "You think you can win. Look here." Joker said and showed the two the other cures who was having trouble too.

"Girls." Luna said weakly. "You see. It's just the question of time before your friends are done for." Joker said and Pop glared at him. "Tell me. Why go through all this for the miracle jewel?" He asked. Joker smiled again. "The miracle jewel. Said to grant any wish the bearer desire. And I believe that the jewel epitomizes your hope." Joker started and both Pop and Luna looked at him shocked. "Using it's miraculous power we could get any wish we want come true. So, we wouldn't wish for anything." Joker said and they two was shocked.

"What would we need to wish for? King Pierrot will destroy the world. With or without it's help." Joker laughed. "Then why do you want it!?" Luna shouted. "Destroying the world isn't enough. We also need to destroy it's dreams, hopes and little miracles. When that's done, true despair can reign. And I guess you know the trouble with that plan. That's why I will destroy the miracle jewel here and now!" Joker said and charged forward.

Luna was quick and blocked Joker from attacking. "I won't let you. Destroy the hope we have!" She shouted before Joker knocked her to the side. Pop stood infront of the miracle jewel as Joker prepared his final attack. "Say goodbye to your last hope." He said and launched the attack forward. But just then the royal clock shined and the Royale queen appered. "Your majesty." Pop said. "Mom." Luna said while smiling. "The Royale queen. But how?" Joker said confused. He then saw how the Royale queen flickered and started to laugh. "I see. The Royale queen is allready no more." He said and everyone gasped. Luna felt tears run down her face. Her mother was allready gone, she couldn't save her at all.

"Seems like it's a form made of Royale queen's powers that stands infront of us. All that remains of her desire to protect the miracle jewel and her princess. Am I wrong?" Joker asked. "I'll protect Candy and Luna. I won't let you hurt my daughters." The Royale queen said. "So Candy, is my sister?" Luna said shocked. "That means that makes that fairy and the pretty cure the next queens of Märchenland. Which explains how much power they both have showed. You had me fooled, not gonna lie. The purpose of the miracle jewel is to be a cocoon for one of the next queens." Joker said.

"Not as it matter. That fairy will still be a child. Not even together would they both have a chance defeating king Pierrot when he arrives. I don't even have to destroy it. Atleast I have royal audience. So you can see everything around you turn into despair." Joker said and used hos powers to turn the whole earth into a wasteland. Luna and Pop looked around worried. Joker just laughed.

"Splendid. The performance of a lifetime. Something you wanna add your majesty? Your dear pretty cure and daughters have failed you. All you've done was for nothing." Joker said smiling. "That's what you think. No matter how far into despair you fall,  as long as you have the strength to believe in a brighter future, hope will always stay. I have faith in that my daughters will get through any obstacles. With the pretty cures by them." The Royale queen said before picking up Luna.

"My dear Jenna. I knew from when I found you as a child that you would do great deeds. I believe in you and your sister." She said smiling at Luna who sheded tears. "Please. I can't lose you mom." She said crying. The Royale kissed her head. "I'll always be with you. Even when you can't see me. I'll be in your memories and heart." Royale queen said and Luna smiled. "I'll won't give up mom." She said before the Royale queen let her down.

She then turned to Joker. "Ready to be destroyed infront of your mom?" Joker asked her before shooting his cards at her. Smoke appered where she was and he laughed. But he stopped when he saw Luna standing there surrounded by purple light and smiling. "As long as my heart is full of hope. I won't give up. I will not let you or anyone hurt my and my sisters kingdom." She said and took up her mirror. With it she drew a crescent moon. "Pretty cure. Luna crescent light. Illumination!" Luna yelled and the crecent moon flew into the sky and fell illuminating alot of lights. Joker got hit and got knocked back.

The other cures then appered from their cards. "Girls!" Luna said happily as they all hugged eachother before turning to Joker who stood up weakly. "How did you do it?" He asked. "We won't lose no matter what!" Happy said. "And we won't let you give our world a bad end!" Luna added. Joker acted scared before he laughed, making everyone confused. "Don't you get it. You're allready to late you brats." He said. "What do you mean?" Happy asked.

Just then a final clock strike was heard. "King Pierrot. It's finally time for you to make entre." Joker said and the egg vanished and ink started to fall from the sky. The cures looked in horror as Joker turned into ink and got absorbed into the ground. After that big beasts if ink appered. Pop held the final decor and looked at Candy. "Candy. The last decor. Let's pray for a miracle." He said and put it in the decor decor. As he did the miracle jewel started to shine and so did Luna. "Candy, Luna!" Happy shouted.

The light stopped and Candy and Luna opened their eyes.

To be continued..

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