The moon of hope. Cure Luna appere

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Jenna was in her kingdom with the pretty cure and her fairy friends. The others had told her everything about what happened to her mother. She was excited to see her mother again, but it soon disappeared when they saw that the Royale queen was still asleep. "Wasn't she suppose to be awake?" Akane asked. "She is. You gathered all the decors." Pop said. Jenna stepped forward. "Mom. I'm back. Please answer me." Jenna said but nothing happened. She looked down sad. Miyuki and the others put their hands on her shoulders and gave her a comforting smile.

They all walked outside. "I'm gonna look up a few things. You can go and explore the land." Pop said to the girls. "Sounds fun." Miyuki said. But it wasn't that easy. Some guars fairies got scared when they saw the pretty cure and ran off. So pop turned them into fairies. "Are you coming Jenna?" Candy asked. "I'm going with Pop. But I'll be right with you." Jenna said and Candy nodded before leading the cures through the land.

Jenna and Pop arrived at a big library and started to read through books. "We gathered all decors. Everything should be okay." Pop said while reading a book. "Some things aren't that easy. Atleast I got free from the stone." Jenna said and looked at Pop, only to see him look down sad. "What is it?" She asked him and walked up to him. "I was so scared when you turned to stone. Candy was scared too, but I felt more scared then her. I thought I would never see you again. And then everyone asked what happened to you and I couldn't almost say it. You're my best friend and I cant lose you." Pop said with tears running down his face. Jenna picked him up and hugged him. "I promise you that I will never disappear from you. You're my best friend too." Jenna said and gave Pop a little kiss on his head. Pop smiled and them continued.

During the resurs Jenna found a little compact mirror. "Pop. Look at this." She said and showed Pop. "I've never seen it before." He said. Jenna looked at the mirror and felt like she was destined to find it. Just then they saw that it got dark and quickly ran to the others. When they arrived they saw an akanbe that looked like a gingerbread house. All fairies in the kingdom was on the ground with an dark aura around them. The cures tried to fight the akanbe but they ended up getting knocked back. Jenna then saw a wolf on two legs named Wolfrun who laughed. "Finally. The pretty cures are done for." He said happy.

Jenna looked at the fairies, the pretty cure, the akanbe and the wolf. Her blood boiled. She wouldn't let anyone hurt her kingdom or friends. "Hey you!" She yelled and Wolfrun turned to her. "And who are you?" He asked her. "I'm Jenna. Daughter of the Royale queen and princess of Märchenland. And I will not let hurt my kingdom or friends!" She yelled. This caused Wolfrun to laugh. "What are you gonna do? Sing a princess melody for me?" He laughed and so did the akanbe. "Jenna don't. You'll get hurt." Happy said but Jenna didn't move. "Alright let's get this over with. Akanbe, get her!" Wolfrun said and the akanbe throwed a punch at Jenna.

The cures and the fairies looked at her worried. But then Jenna took up the compact mirror on instinct and on impact the akanbe's punch flew right back. Everyone was shocked. "What the heck!" Wolfrun said. Jenna glared at him. "No one messes with my friends!" Jenna shouted and then got surrounded by purple light.

"What's this?" She asked but then she heard someone familiar. "My dear daughter. I'm glad to see you again." The voice said. "Mom?" Jenna asked. "Yes. It's me." Her mother's voice said. "What's happening?" She asked her mother. "Because you stood up for your friends. You've been chosen to become a pretty cure. The compact mirror will help you. Together with this." The voice said and a purple decor with a crescent moon on it appeared, together with the compact mirror getting the symbol for smile pretty on it. Jenna was shocked about this. "I know you'll do well." The voice said. "I won't disappoint you mother." Jenna said and grabbed the decor and mirror.

The light around her disappeared and she looked at Wolfrun. "Now you mean wolf. It's time to even things out." Jenna said and held the mirror up.

The compact mirror opened up and and Jenna put in her decor. "Ready?" A voice said. Jenna grabbed the mirror and smiled. "Pretty cure. Smile charge!" She yelled and the mirror shined. "Go go. Let's go Luna." The voice said and a makeup brush appered. Jenna grabbed it and got glowing powder on it. She spun it around her body that started to glow. Her arm bands appered, then her boots, then her outfit and lastly her hair glew and turned lighter purple in a braid with a tiara on her head. She brushed her cheeks with the brush and smiled.

Then she threw it into the air so it landed in the mirror. She them closed it and put it on her chest. After that she flew in the air and landed on the ground.

"The moon of hope. Shines the way to the future. Cure Luna!" She said and did her pose.

 Cure Luna!" She said and did her pose

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(Cure Luna. Blue circle on her chest is the mirror.)

Everyone looked at Luna in shock. "Cure Luna. So cool!" Happy said. "Another cure? Akanbe!" Wolfrun said and the akanbe swinged it's arm towards Luna. But she caught the hand and pushed it back. Then she started to fight. The others was stunned by her fighting. They didn't expect another cure to appere. Luna kept fighting the akanbe. "You should really learn not to mess with someones friends or family. Cause if you do. You're gonna regret it." Luna said and landed on the ground.

She took up her mirror and focused her energy into it. It shined up and she used the light to draw a crescent moon. "Pretty cure. Luna crescent light!" She yelled and shot her attack at the akanbe. It exploded and left two decors. "This can't be happening." Wolfrun said and teleported away. Luna and the other cures transformed back. Jenna then got embraced into a big hug. "You where amazing." Miyuki said. "Totally blazing." Akane added. Jenna blushed a little. Then they turned the all the other fairies who looked at Jenna with big eyes.

Jenna smiled. "It's so good to see you again." She said with a big smile. "The princess is back!" The fairies yelled and flew towards Jenna. "Wait wait wait." Jenna yelled but then got tackled by all the fairies. She laughed and hugged them back as he other girls smiled.

They all them meet up with the Royale queen who said that she wasn't awake yet and they they needed to gather more decors. "And Jenna my daughter. I'm so proud of you." The Royale queen said and Jenna smiled. "I'm gonna help you mom. I promise." Jenna said and turned to the others who smiled. They all the went back to the human world. Now one member bigger. There Jenna also changed into another outfit that fitted her better in the human world.

 There Jenna also changed into another outfit that fitted her better in the human world

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(Jenna in her normal outfit.)

She was happy to have meet the others. And now her journey as a cure could begin.

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