The princess and the wolf puppy

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(A/N. So this is an original take on the kid transformation episode. Hope you like it.)

Jenna had just been shooting a new makeup video and was on her way to meet the others. "I can't wait to tell the others how many subscribers I've got." She thought as she continued to walk. Just then she walked by a pet shop and stopped in her tracks when she saw the puppies. Her eyes glimmered before she ran inside. Jenna was a big fan of cute baby animals so she couldn't help but pet them.

"You're so cute. I love all of you so much." She said as the puppies licked her. "Can I help you miss?" A worker asked her. "No. I just can't help myself around puppies." Jenna said and stood up. "By little cuties." She said to the puppies and walked out of the shop as the worker giggled at her love for animals. "Why does baby animals be so cute? What am I saying!? They are suppose to be cute. Now I better hurry to the others." She thought and picked up the pace.

Meanwhile was Wolfrun and Akaoni walking through the woods. But they where different then normal. They had gotten turned into kids, thanks to on of Majorina's inventions. And now they where looking for her to turn them back. "Can you pick up the pace!?" Akaoni yelled at Wolfrun. "Not my fault that my legs are shorter then yours." Wolfrun argued back. "Why are we even going together? Let's split up. I go this way and you go that way." Akaoni said and walked off before Wolfrun could object. "Fine. But when I become normal again first, I'm gonna keep you like that and put you in timeout." He growled and went off in another direction.

Jenna had just arrived where she and the others was gonna meet up. But no one was there. "Where are they?" She thought before she looked on the ground. There was drawings from kids. And one of them looked very bad. "These kids surely doesn't know how to draw." Jenna said and then noticed a bottle on the ground. She picked it up and saw the picture of a a figure turning into kid size. And on it was the name. "Majorina! Another one of her magic inventions. She must have used it on the others. I must find them." Jenna said and started to look for the others. She reached a the forest and walked inside.

Wolfrun walked alone, searching for Majorina. Normally he wouldn't be nervous walking alone in the forest. But being a kid made him feel more scared. "Stop being scared. You're the big bad wolf. Start acting like one." He said but screamed when he heard a branch crack. He ran the quickest he could before he bumped into a set of legs. His eyes slowly opened and he saw that it was Jenna standing there looking at him. "Precure!" He yelled and reached for his book. But it wasn't there thanks to it being to heavy for him now.

Jenna just stared at Wolfrun who now was smaller then her. "Wolfrun. What happened to you?" She asked. "That hag's invention turned me into a kid. But don't think I'm un scary. I can still get you." Wolfrun said and started to hit Jenna's leg. But it didn't hurt Jenna as she stared at the little wolf. He looked like a little puppy now and Jenna couldn't help but smile. Het eyes glimmered as her instincts jumped in and she picked Wolfrun up in a big hug.

"Aren't you such a cute wolf puppy?" She asked as she kissed his head. Wolfrun tried to get out of her grip. "Let me go pretty cure. This is ruining my dignity." He said but Jenna didn't listen. "You're so cute. My little wolf puppy." She said and Wolfrun gave up. Then he felt a little weird, he kinda liked being hugged as a kid. But he shook it off as he and Jenna saw that a bad end zone appered.

Jenna ran over and saw kid Akaoni, an hyper akanbe that looked like an acorn and the other pretty cures that was also kids. Their powers didn't work and Majorina laughed. "Ha just give up Pretty cure. There's nothing you can do in that stage." She laughed but stopped when Jenna walked forward. "I don't think so hag." She yelled and Majorina froze. "I forgot about you." She said. "Jenna!" The other cures said happy. Jenna put Wolfrun down and took up her mirror. "Why don't you fight someone your own size?" She said before she transformed into cure Luna.

Luna started to fight the akanbe as Wolfrun walked up to Akaoni. "Why where you with a pretty cure?" He asked. "I got lost and bumped into her. Then she treated me like a puppy." Wolfrun answered. Majorina got tired and took out a potion bottle. "You two. Take this antidote and help me." She said and threw the bottle the the other two. Luna smiled and formed a circle with her finger. "Lunar disc!" She shouted and threw a disc that caught the bottle mid air and made it fly onto the other cures and Candy.

They glew and turned back to normal again. "Thank you Luna." March said. Luna smiled before they saw Wolfrun and Akaoni fight. Candy used a balloon decor to make them stop and go away. "Allright everyone. Time form our princess form." Happy said and everyone nodded. They turned into their princess forms and finished of the akanbe and got a decor of a candy. Majorina and the others teleported away as the cures transformed back.

They walked through the park and talked. "Being a kid again wasn't that bad." Akane said. "Yeah. It was so fun." Yayoi added. The others nodded before Miyuki saw that Jenna seemed a little down. "What is it Jenna?" She asked and Jenna looked up. "It's just. Wolfrun was so cute that small. And I wish I could hug him a little more. He was like a little puppy." Jenna said and pouted a little. The others smiled at her. "Well. What if we go to the pet store and look at the puppies. It's still open." Nao said and Jenna shined up. "YES. LET'S GO!" She yelled and started to run. The others looked at eachother before they laughed and ran after Jenna.

They all spent the rest of the day petting and having fun with puppies. For Jenna it was like she was in heaven.

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