"I didn't know you're this awesome Deji."

"Look, I'm not completely bad."

"Most certainly."

Talking to him did a lot to make me feel better, I felt lighter and just over all a bit more cheerful.

He went back to his bigger office, yes he was my boss. I did my work with a half mind and just prayed Iokua wouldn't come in today and he didn't. The rest of my day went pretty normally after that.

And it was like everyone knew better than to ask my about Elizabeth, majority thought I was sad because she got fired. No matter how we ended or didn't end, I was sad she got fired for no reason but the more I thought about it, the more I realized how awkward it would have been for the both of us.


"Kathy love, just be careful on those drinks." He warned.

"Yep, very careful." I slurred, I hated drinking. It reminded me of a lot of things but right now, fuck everything. So I drank, one, two, three, four, five glasses. Deji tried to stop me but to no avail. 

"I don't want to take you home in a bad shape, there's work tomorrow."

"You know Caleb is such a jerk."

"Tell me about it." He rolled his eyes slightly.

"He never wanted to touch me," his eyebrows raised a little in surprise. "We dated for a while and he's never touched me like that. Not once."

"Are you shitting me? You're like a sex bomb." He blurted then realized what he just said, I could see his hears turn pink in embarrassment.

"Thanks for the compliment," I waved it off, "but yeah he thinks otherwise. I've practically begged him with my own fucking body, it's my body, I'm the one with the vagina, why did I ever beg him? To have sex with me?" I asked no one in particular. "I got naked, and he just looked the other way."

"He's an asshole."

"I know right? To think he's sleeping with my best friend is quite unbelievable. There was a time when I thought he didn't swing my way, maybe he's into ..." I cupped my hands around my mouth and leaned in, "boys."

"Oh," he said, he seemed really invested in our conversation.

"But I was the foolish one, he just doesn't swing the Katherine way. I started to cry, Kathy isn't as sexy as Elizabeth, Kathy isn't as beautiful as Elizabeth. Kathy cuts her hair, girls should keep their hair long. Well fuck everything, Kathy will live her life on her own terms.

"I've never had a problem with being the lesser friend you know, I just tagged along, wherever she went. She was always the showstopper, many admirers. I was just the shadow that followed her everywhere but I wasn't acknowledged."

"Don't cry Kathy."

"Oh my goodness, you've called me Kathy so many times today." I laughed, I always doubted if he knew I liked being called only Kathy.

"Yeah, I figured no teasing today."

"Oops, I broke Deji." I burped, covering my hand with my mouth. "My mum used to call me Katherine, and when she left I just started hating the name."

"My dad used to call me Ayo as well, when he died I said nobody could call me that." He shared. He's had the same glass since we got here. He invited me to have drinks with him and ended up not getting any drink.

"What's the time now?"

"It's just eight thirty."

"Oh," I burped again. "Sorry."

"Let me just take you home."

"Nope, aren't you having fun?"

"You'll hate yourself in the morning." He said instead.

"No I won't, I can't hate myself more than I already do now."

"Tell you what?"


"You're one blabbermouth when you're drunk."

"Yeah, Caleb used to say the same thing." Placing my cheek on the table, I closed my eyes. "Why am I still talking about him?"

"It's not that easy." He reasoned.

"Please give him two punches instead of one."

"I'll give him two and then as extra one as bonus." I laughed a little, my eyes were struggling to remain open at this point. I was extremely tired.

"I want to sleep."

"Let's get going then," he yelled for a waiter and paid our bill. I was way too tired to even pick up my purse and pay for my drink. I'll just refund him tomorrow at work.

"Thanks Deji."

"Don't mention it Kathy."

Lies Become You (A NOWC22 Project) A Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now