Chapter 57: Love Spell

Start from the beginning

Meanwhile back in Asgard, Thor, Pharaoh, and the other Asgardians continued to search for you, but not even Heimdall had any luck locating you. This could only mean bad news, with the Thunderer beside himself with worry for your safety and anger with himself for letting you disappear. Thor had his suspicions that his brother Loki had something to do with it but had no way to prove it, and besides, he wouldn't have been able to get in and out of Asgard without someone noticing. If the God of Mischief did somehow get his hands on you, he didn't do so alone, with the Thunderer concluding that if his brother was involved with you going missing, he had help.  

The Thunderer knew he had to get help as well, and despite being mortal, the heroes on Earth were quite resourceful, so Thor headed back to Midgard. The Thunderer arrived with his head hung low, feeling deep in his very heart and soul that he failed you, being very dramatic about. The rest of the Avengers told him to lighten up as sulking about it wasn't going to help find you or get you back. They'd have to stay focused, starting with recruiting Dr.Strange, perhaps with his strong magic as Sorcerer Supreme they'd be able to find you. So with nothing to lose they headed over to the Sanctum Sanctorium, finding that the good doctor wasn't alone. 

Thor and the other Avengers arrive, coming face to face with Thor, Loki, Wolverine, and Spiderman from your universe. For a moment there was hope and joy but it soon faded, as Loki and the others realize you are not among the other Avengers. Tony Stark steps forth to explain the situation but the other Thor insists, stating that he failed to keep you safe and now you were missing. They had no clue of where you could be as the last place you were was Asgard, with Pharaoh, the Warriors Three, Lady Sif, and Heimdall looking for you, but so far they were having no luck. "We don't know where Lady Gracie is but she was very likely taken by our Loki, he attempted a few weeks ago", Thor admitted, explaining that his Loki had become obsessed with you after finding out about the relationship you had with your God of Mischief. 

This of course shocked Loki, having to sit down for a moment, forcing himself to calm down before completely losing it. The God of Mischief took a deep breath in and slowly letting it back out but something was off about it, very off. Loki slowly got up, inquiring about any and all known locations where their God of Mischief resided, he would personally go to each and everyone, searching the entire universe if necessary. Loki was being dead serious and surprisingly calm, considering you were missing, again, hating the fact that this happened before and that he had gotten somewhat used to it. However, like usual, they had no clue where Loki's hideout was, only speculating, up until they returned to the Avengers Mansion. Everyone went back with them except for Spiderman who headed back to the universe they all came from to explain the situation as well as see if they could figure out a way to find you. 

"I know where she is," they all heard out of nowhere, quickly turning around to see Amora the Enchantress, with the Witch in question waving over at both Thors. "Amora..." the other Thor began, asking what she did, knowing she had to be involved to some degree if she knew about it and went out of her way to bring it up. Amora was sarcastically offended, saying she would never, with a little devilish smirk showing up on her face, coming closer to inspect the Thor from your universe. The Enchantress then turned to your Loki checking him out as well, stating, "no wonder that mortal fell for you, your quite the cutie, not as handsome as Thor mind you but I can see it". Your Loki and Thor thought it was quite strange how similar she was to the Enchantress they knew, both feeling weird and annoyed.  

But the God of Mischief was certainly much more pissed than his brother, completely skimming over her comment before demanding to know where he could find you, certain you were terrified. The Enchantress then smiled at Loki's words, saying how you seemed perfectly fine to her, with the God of Mischief asked what she meant but Amora only told him after the other Thor asked her to. "It would seem that our Loki has some kind of magic collar around her neck... she's very well behaved, always smiling, demanding cuddles and kisses, it's adorable really, I see why you picked her," Amora said with a little laugh and Thor had to hold Loki back, while Wolverine who had been surprisingly quiet up to this point, exploded. The other Thor had to hold your dad back, promising to what was necessary to get you back, even if it meant chopping the other Loki to pieces.  

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