Chapter 36: Vampire Saga - New York Has Fallen

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You had a pounding headache as you open your eyes but it quickly faded away, and you wondered how you got to bed as you didn't remember laying down in the first place. You were still half asleep as you greeted Pharaoh softly, petting your sweet furry boy who was resting his head upon your stomach, seemingly very worried about something. You then suddenly recalled what happened as you looked over at the clock on the side table, what occurred in the kitchen not 10 minutes prior and you jump to your feet to find Loki. You searched the entire apartment, but your darling Cariño wasn't anywhere to be found, you even checked his private room but still, nothing, he was gone. You did double-check everywhere, not being able to accept that Loki would have left you but he did, and as you tried to process everything, you began to understand why he didn't stay. At least you fully understood after Pharaoh told you what happened, how Loki ordered him to protect you and how angry and sad he was about hurting you, before flying off. 

Once you were calm, you thought about what happened in greater detail, trying to think of a way to find out more without putting yourself or Pharaoh in danger when an idea came to mind. You thought that maybe Loki might have a book on Vampirism or the supernatural considering how long he's been around and how much he liked to read and learn about everything. The God of Mischief even explained to you that he knew a lot about different species and other planets and their people, at least he studied the stronger races so in case he ever had to deal with them he'd be prepared. So with a glimmer of hope you rushed off to Loki's private room, first apologizing to your boo for entering his space without permission, not that he could hear you but still, you felt a little guilty about it. However, as you searched the shelves, you realized most of his books were not in English but in Asgardian Runes or some other ancient language you had no clue on how to read. I mean, at least with the books written in Asgardian you could probably understand as Loki did teach you the basics, what each letter was in comparison to English and using the little cheatsheet you made you could figure it out but that would still take ages. 

You sat down on the window seat in Loki's library area in defeat, unsure of what to do now, soon finding yourself looking out the window at the city below, as your mind began to wander. Eventually, your gaze focused in on what you were staring at and you could see multiple fires spreading in the distance as well as a lot of smoke filling the sky spreading out making the night even darker. Based on how it was moving though, you figured that some of it if not most of it wasn't actually smoke and seeing as black vapour was approaching, you shut the curtains. You could imagine the screams and cries of people panicking, running for their lives from the undead, soon joining them as the plague spread out of control, no doubt engulfing everything in it's path. You fled to the other side of the room, into Loki's meditation space, clutching Pharaoh tight as you felt the darkness coming closer, praying that they wouldn't be able to sense you or your wolf. Eventually, you felt the dark energy fade and you relaxed, reassuring Pharaoh that the danger had passed, for now, but they'd have to prepare for the worst. 

You were pretty much convinced that this was Dracula's doing, as you weren't aware of any other powerful vampires who could pull something like this off. The Avengers took on Dracula before and Hulk travelled through time and fought him again with help from some other supernatural creatures who later began working together as heroes. Even Spiderman and his team battled him and it took everything they had just to beat him, you remembered that night, Peter called you out of the blue and ordered you to stay inside. He didn't really explain what was happening and already being aware that Peter Parker was Spiderman, you decided to listen, only checking social media to find out what was happening. You sat there curled up in the dark while trying not to cry or make any noise with a tiny Lily in your lap absolutely terrified that a vampire would come and drink all of your blood. You had nightmares for weeks after that, it was terrible as you had no one to talk to or comfort you back then, you did have friends like Peter and MJ but you didn't want to bother them about it. 

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