Chapter 35: Twin Moon Ball

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You were completely frazzled as you arrived at the Elven Ball, the last two weeks were very difficult and although Loki told you to think of tonight as a fun reward for all your hard work, you were still very worried you'd make a fool of yourself. Not that it bothered you too much as the real problem was having your actions negatively reflect Midgard, Asgard, and Loki, you didn't want to embarrass everyone, which you were certain you'd do. From the outside, you could analyze social situations and figure stuff out but when in a social situation you were basically playing with blinders on, as although you had improved your skills, dealing with lots of people was still a problem for you. But you tried not to think about it as Loki led you up the grand staircase into the Palace, and while trying to distract yourself from how nervous you were, you ended up thinking about everything that happened since returning to Earth after visiting Alfheim for the first time. 

That night you arrived home was probably the hardest out of them all, as you talked to both the Kingpin and your mother as you wanted to let them know what happen, or at least a version of the story that didn't reveal your powers or your status as a Mutant. After a brief chat with Director Fury, you got the okay to call Mr.Fisk, so you dialled him up to inform him of his nephew's passing as despite everything, there was still a small piece of you that really cared about Cody. You knew that Wilson Fisk also really cared about him, a lot more than you, and thinking about it, you would hate not knowing what happened to someone you loved if they just disappeared. It was definitely one of the most awkward conversations you ever had and Mr.Fisk was pretty much silent the entire time, part of you wasn't even sure if he was listening or if he went into shock. You didn't say much though, after Fury explained what turned Cody into a Hulking Monster you told the Kingpin that the Gamma C drug Cody was taking eventually killed him. "He wasn't alone though in the end, it's probably a cold comfort but I held his hand until he passed, so he didn't go alone" you whispered, trying not to tear up as you thought about exactly what happened.  

After that, you took another little break, you needed comforting so you gripped your Loki doll tight as you called your mother, as she was probably very worried about you being kidnapped. But that call broke your heart, she didn't know you were gone, your own mother didn't realize you were missing, in fact, when she answered she was very upset with you. Your mother yelled about where you were as none of your chores were done and how they were out of food, and when she ordered you to explain yourself, you couldn't answer, only managing to whisper "I have to go", before hanging up on her. She tried to call you back but you didn't answer, she sent you angry text after angry text but you ignored them, in fact, you ended up blocking her number before having a full-on breakdown, bursting into tears. You kept telling yourself that once you moved out you'd be done with her but deep down you still loved her, you wanted it to work out, you wanted to have a good relationship with her, where you could tell her everything but now, that part of yourself shattered into a thousand pieces, you felt so alone, having no actual family left. 

All those feelings and memories that you had bottled up over the past few years, the ones that you pretended didn't bother you, they all came bursting out at once, and as a result, your powers activated of their own accord. The whole room started to glow and you yourself floated up along with pretty much everything else in the room as the floor and walls began to crack, and more fragile objects shattered. The loud sounds of the room falling apart brought you back to reality, but you were too overwhelmed and you knew it wouldn't last so if you were going to do something, it would have to be now. You reached out for your phone but it began to crack before busting apart entirely, so you tried to escape instead, knowing that you couldn't stay here, as there were far too many people nearby and the last thing you wanted to do was hurt anybody else. You flew down the stairs and onto the balcony where you tried to think of a plan to escape, not using the front door as it would take too long to get out that way, not that you actually thought of it as you saw the sliding doors first and just headed that way.  

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