Chapter 53: Parker!!!

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You peek your head out from behind a tree, staring at the city all around you before retreating and hiding in the bushes with Pharaoh, trying to come up with some idea of what to do. For starters, you pulled your Image Inducer from the small hardshell belt bag you had wrapped around your hips, it was new as well, but you had used it before. It was a gift from the X-Men and made with some of the shell and silk from your cocoon so it was tough on the outside, soft on the inside, just like you. Seeing as you couldn't really wear backpacks anymore and you always liked to carry specific things with you, they opted for something that would sit lower than your wings but not fall off easily. It wasn't that big but it held your Image Inducer, your new phone, a little snack although you had already eaten the one you had, some money, and a spare harness. You popped on your Image Inducer and your harness, having Pharaoh also change forms as you adjust your device to make your clothes appear different, as even though it was New York, you didn't want to draw any extra attention to yourselves.  

You then began walking around in the open with Pharaoh, taking deep breaths as you did so, trying to decide what the next step would be, wondering if they had the same currency here so you could eat. You tried to figure it out by watching transactions at a hotdog stand but it would seem that the dollar bills here were slightly different, so you couldn't actually buy anything. You ended up returning to Central Park as it was the only place that felt familiar, soon sitting on a bench as you spoke to Pharaoh out loud about what their next move should be when something in a nearby trash bin caught your eye. You focus in on it, immediately getting up to go and investigate, pulling out the old newspaper to see Spiderman on the front cover of the Daily Bugle, being portrayed as a menace. "Seriously? Does Mr.Jameson hate Spiderman in every Universe?" you mutter to Pharaoh before taking the Newspaper back with you as you sat down on the bench again, hoping to get something about one of the articles. You skip to the story about Spiderman, discovering that a Mr.Peter Parker was the photographer for the Wallcrawler, with you finally figuring out where to go next.  

As you headed off with your Little Wolf, it occurred to you that you had no idea which direction the Daily Bugle was, I mean you knew roughly where it was in your New York but had no idea where it was in this one. You ask a police officer for directions as you noticed one patrolling the Park and he did before warning you about your dog, how any canine needed to be on a leash before asking what kind of dog it was. "He's Alaskan Malamute, Siberian Husky mix," you say automatically, as they were the two "types" of dogs that Pharaoh looked most like and you memorized them in case anyone asked. Even though in reality you thought dog breeds were bullshit and Kennel Clubs even worse, but you couldn't get into that right now as that would be a long, long discussion that would probably leave you fuming. So after thanking the officer, you picked up Pharaoh promising to go get a leash right away before saying goodbye and rushing off to find this universe's, Peter Parker. It was quite the long walk and the entire time you were worrying about whether or not he'd actually be there, or if he was this world's Spidey because if he wasn't, you might be screwed.  

You arrive at the building, hesitating to actually go in but Pharaoh helped you out with that, jumping out of your arms and running into the Daily Bugle, making you panic and rush after him. Your Wolf didn't stop until he made his way to the top floor, stopping right at the front desk and you pick him up apologizing to the receptionist, taking a few seconds to calm down before nervously asking if Mr.Peter Parker was there. She asked if you had an appointment but luckily the man in question was standing nearby, coming over as he heard his name and you turned to see a young man in his early 20s standing there. "Oh my God, Cuz, you look amazing, I almost didn't recognize you, Pete", you announce rather loudly, quickly setting Pharaoh down and knocking Parker back several steps with a tight hug, soon whispering in his ear, "I need your help Spidey". You then pulled away giving him a big nervous smile, hoping he'd play along and he did, saying how tall you were compared to the last time he saw you, turning to introduce you to Ms.Brant. You were aware that this Peter didn't know your name so you quickly shot out your arm for a handshake saying, "I'm Gracie, Gracie Howlett, it's a pleasure to meet some of my cousin's coworkers". 

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