Chapter 22: First Patrol

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"I'm sorry babe, I know you're mad but I literally got to ride a dinosaur today, I'm pretty sure there's nothing on this planet that can dampen my mood right now and no, that's not a challenge," you say giving your boyfriend your best puppy eyes, as you walk back out from your closet, wanting him to forgive you. Loki obviously wasn't exactly happy to find out when he arrived with his brother to pick you up, that you wandered off alone in the desert with a dinosaur without telling anyone. Even though it was easy to find you, considering Devil had a tracker in his collar, not that you went too far to begin with, but the God of Mischief was mad anyway, as you made him worry. Well, worry more, as he was already anxious about leaving you with the Agents of Smash, knowing full-well the trouble they always seemed to get themselves into. He even gave you a bit of a lecture before he took you back home, but you were smiling the entire time, you couldn't help it, getting extremely cuddly the more mad Loki got. You found it so cute and you weren't sure why, but you couldn't help how you felt, as today was wonderful, you got to meet the Agents of Smash, play with and ride a dinosaur and to end the day right, you spent it with the one you loved most. 

Loki was happy that you had fun, of course he was but, being very protective of you he couldn't help but get mad, and you didn't seem to understand why which made it a little worse. The cuter and flirtier you got only added fuel to the fire, as the God of Mischief thought you weren't taking the situation or him very seriously and eventually he had enough. Loki made you look at him, getting very serious and you straightened up, dropping your smile, your mood entirely shifts and all the negative things that occurred during your visit to Vista Verde came rushing back. Before you said anything else in response, you first apologized for your behaviour, you didn't recognize he was being serious, you then asked Loki what you could do to make it up to him. Loki lets out an exhausted sigh as you slowly reach out and wrap your arms around him, resting your head on his shoulder from behind, deciding that you would wait for him to respond and not talk. "Firstly, darling, you're going to tell me why you left to go on a walk, as Hulk said you seemingly just disappeared out of nowhere, after that I'll decide what to do with you," Loki spoke soft and stern but not cold, as at the sight of your serious expression he relaxed somewhat. 

You hesitated, even physically pulling away as you worried if you told Loki what happened it would hurt his feelings, the Smashers didn't exactly say the nicest things about him after all. It made you feel bad, as it meant you couldn't hang out with them and as you thought about it more, the more down you got, although you still thought it would be amazing if you all got along and became friends. Loki turned as you drew away, seeing that your mood dropped and worried something bad happened, he grabbed you and pulled you back in, wrapping his arms around as he held you between his legs. You squirmed a little, rather uncomfortable with being held right now but at the same time you didn't want Loki to let go, seriously, were you a cat in a past life? 

Putting your weird thoughts aside, you took a deep breath and told Loki the truth; that during one of your conversations you revealed to them that he was your best friend and they didn't take it well. "I know with your history it would be difficult for them to understand and I told them to keep an open mind but once Red spoke up, they all started arguing..." you said, pulling your knees in, holding them close feeling ashamed as you continued. "I tried to voice my opinion and defend you but they got so loud and looked kind of mad, so I... I left to clear my head, and Devil followed me out, offering to take me for a ride and feeling so down I accepted..." you explained, before apologizing to Loki saying you should have stayed and done more to support and protect him. "You're my best friend and boyfriend, I should have said something, I'm so sorry Loki, you deserve better" you whispered that last part but the God of Mischief still heard you, leaning in to rest his head on your shoulder.  

He told you it was okay, he knew this was how most people reacted to him being a "good guy" now, the hate, the doubt, and for the most part, he didn't care, as they didn't matter to him. Loki knew you or Hulk must have said something, as when he arrived with his brother to pick you up, none of the Agents of Smash were surprised to see him, they didn't even try to fight or throw insults at him, which was definitely a surprise. He thought maybe it was because his brother was there, but that didn't seem likely, not that he paid it much mind after finding out you had wandered away with a freakin' dinosaur. Although, the God of Mischief probably shouldn't have been that surprised, as he could absolutely see you doing that, riding off into the sunset on a dino, somehow convincing him to get on too. Loki did notice after finding and giving you a hard time for running off, the Hulks were seemingly acting a bit different, a little less cold perhaps, however, the God of Mischief was certain he read them wrong, but he was right. They noticed how Loki acted with you, his concern for you appeared genuine, and although none of them would probably be close friends with him if at all, they could see that he really cared about you. They also saw how you lit up with him, even after giving you a hard time, you seemed truly happy to just be around him, you were literally glowing softly the second he showed up and didn't stop even as you were leaving. 

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