conclusion i.

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a/n: this is long so forgive me if there are some errors.

The fight comes later.

It was inevitable. The way Bruce seemed to be ducking and dodging him at every corner, the way he shut down any conversation that wasn't related to the League - sometimes even in front of the other members, the way he looked at Clark.

It was different every time. When they were alone, sometimes Bruce looked at him like he was hoping for something. His eyes would watch Clark's every move, his lips parted as if he wanted to say something. It was a warmth that Clark hadn't seen in three weeks. It was a look Clark didn't like. He didn't like being given that type of hope only for it to be fizzled out the next time he saw Bruce. 'Cause the next time he saw Bruce, he'd be cold. His eyes would barely register Clark's presence, his face saying that he's never seen the man a day in his life. His mouth would be set in a hard line and he'd look at Clark as if he was waiting for some kind detonation.

It brought about a tension that was palpable and he could feel the other members inching around them as if they were afraid one wrong word was going to set the two off.

"Mommy and Daddy are fighting again." He hears Barry mutter quietly in the conference room before immediately snapping his mouth shut when the door slides open and Clark steps inside.

He doesn't bother with pleasantries. He doesn't have it in him to even feign contentment. He gets seated and ignores the way eyes shift from him to the door opening again as Bruce makes his way inside and takes his seat next to Diana.

Someone starts the meeting, he's not sure who, and he doesn't stay focused on the material for very long. He's wound tight, too tight. So much so that he can hear the sound of a sink Barry left dripping, he can smell the fish Arthur ate for lunch, he hears everyone's elevated heartbeats and then the slow lag of Bruce's.

"Superman?" Bruce's voice breaks the trance, but it does absolutely nothing to relax him.

His eyes narrow as he waits for whatever it is that was so important that the man was willing to address him of all people. Bruce looks at him with a blank stare. He refused to be intimidated, but the goal wasn't to intimidate him. Clark isn't some angry criminal on the street, he was Bruce's friend. At least, he thought so...

"Maybe we should come back to the topic..." Diana provides, eyes glancing between Bruce and Clark with a type of knowing that only makes Clark more frustrated.

The meeting continues like nothing has happened, following Diana's lead until she suggests that they've done enough for today. Everyone rushes out of the room like there's an alarm going off around them and Diana makes a point to stand in the way when Bruce tries to escape.

"Figure it out. Now." she hisses before allowing the door to shut behind her.

There's a long stretch of silence where they don't meet each other's eyes.

"I think I've made a mistake." Clark finally mutters, eyes cast towards the conference room table.

All the fight has been taken out of him. It's the first time since he'd met Bruce that he doesn't have any anger left in the tank. He'd wasted it all getting here, a point where he thought he was making some kind of breakthrough. It was foolish. Bruce would never stop being Bruce. It was Clark's fault for trusting him. He heard Diana warning him and he allowed himself to be used anyway.

Though, there were bigger things to worry about than his relationship with Bruce. He'd have to get over it. Move on. Bruce was better at it than he was so he decides to handle it like Bruce.


He wouldn't get too many feelings involved, he wouldn't say too much or fight too hard. This was just business.

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