|Dear Mother|

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El Dorado, Capital Of Rugana




A story beginning with a girl and ending with a queen. She came from Opal before being sent off and forced to serve in the City of Gold. The child had been separated from her mother and placed in a palace all about survival. And to survive you must win.

She won

Her name was Morgana Lukretzia, Empress of Rugana.


Today is my death day. The day that I will have to go to the capital and work as a servant in the Vernopa castle. Lord Emperor Daemon who now rules over the land and sea was crowned heir not long ago. Now fresh meat is needed in his home. 

Secrets and darkness lie behind that home, the whole country knows this and that's why it's feared.

This very emotion is all that awaits me, after all, the royal family has never failed in being the key provider.

Pure blood rushes through their veins and magical abilities which are centuries old.

Humans and vampires have lived together peacefully for many years but that doesn't mean we like one another.

The vampires, especially the royals play a big role in who the true dominant species is.

We are powerless, they are not. They have red hot poisonous blood boiling inside them, we do not. We are their toys, used and thrown away once sucked dry of any life.

Yet even when having all the power and gold, they still want more.

Five thousand girls from all different nations have been drafted to serve the Emperor. Some will work as servants and others as concubines. 

The servants will scrub, polish, dust, and wash every item in that castle. Meanwhile concubines, God only knows what horrors those women will have to face.

In the end, we are all slaves to the powerful, weak at their knees.

And yes, I said we.

I Morgana Lukretzia will be taking on the servant role.

Of course, it's by force, and of course, I'm terrified.

When hearing the news for the first time after reading a letter I wanted to die. With all honesty and full sanity, I wanted to die.

It's natural for us humans to turn obedient to the superior, that's just simple human nature. But I don't think I will ever gain the ability to do that, not in these circumstances. 

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