New House

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Monday - 1:22 P.M. - June 7

Lollipop and her "friends" were going to move into a house altogether! Lollipop was driving her cream colored car over there now.

"I hope they're chill with me." Gelatin said. Lollipop rolled her eyes in annoyance. Gelatin loves to trash the house whenever and however he can. "Gelatin, not everyone likes messy houses." Teardrop wrote. Teardrop still couldn't speak, so she wrote everything she wanted to say on paper. That's also why she carries her journal everywhere she goes.

"We are almost there." Lollipop confided, as she knew they were all waiting for her to say it. "Yay!" Ruby hollered. "How about we sing while we wait?" Lollipop flinched.

Lollipop parked the car, they were there. "Oh never mind, let's check out the house instead!" Ruby suggested as she ran towards the house. Coiny and Gelatin followed after her.

Their house was a modern house with jade black and cloud gray paint job and wooden planks on the walls. Many windows revealed the inside rooms. Towards the doorway, there were two stone pillars in front and on both sides of the doormat hung two potted fuchsias. The door was an oak door, full of all sorts of unnecessary design.

Teardrop stayed behind to help unload their stuff. Teardrop was always a good helper, that's why she was Lollipop's favorite.

As Lollipop was just about to walk in, another car came around. It was cherry red this time. Lollipop just continued to walk into the door, as she wasn't ready for small talk. She shrugged and continued on in.

On the inside, there was a huge rug in the middle of the room, a few potted plants, some paintings with fancy design, and a flight of stairs with fuzzy carpeting. The flooring was oak wood planks and the walls were plain and dry.

Lollipop set down the boxes she was holding in one of the corners of the house, so it didn't block anyone's way.

Gelatin was busy ruining the house! "Gelatin! Go get some of the light boxes from the car and bring them inside before you mess up the house," Lollipop demanded. "Fine," Gelatin said reluctantly and went sluggishly back to the car.

Lollipop dreaded going outside because she didn't feel like talking to anyone at the moment. Lollipop shrugged it off and went outside. Lollipop didn't even look at anyone, she just walked. Bubble probably waved, but from her point of view she wouldn't have been able to see it. She met Gelatin beside the car, picked up some boxes, and went straight back to the house, no eye contact, nothing.

She didn't know why she was doing this. It wasn't nice to ignore people, so why was she doing it? She just kept walking, set the boxes down and repeated. She hadn't even noticed that her friends had stopped to go talk to the others.


"Oh, it's Coiny..!" Firey said frantically. Firey didn't sound very pleased to see Coiny, but he wasn't mad either. Coiny made an evil smirk. "Looking hot." Coiny joked. That statement alone left Firey in shock. "Hehe." Flower giggled from across the room. "What are you laughing about?" Coiny sounded offended, "I was joking."

Coiny probably got the wrong idea..


As most of the drama was going on at the other side of the room, Teardrop stayed far from it. She instead decided to start writing. Although she had all the materials she needed, she didn't have a prompt. Teardrop looked around her, Gelatin, Lollipop, and Bubble were bringing in boxes, Leafy and Pin were chatting, Coiny was arguing with Flower, Firey was sitting on a box (DON'T SAY IT), and Ruby was drawing. Teardrop sighed in dismay. She has never had a problem with this before. Unfortunately, that was the case.

Teardrop just shut her notebook and went over to Coiny. She instantly had an idea! She opened here notebook again and flipped until she found some blank pages. In it she wrote "Let's make a secret lab!" Teardrop ripped out the page and handed it to Coiny. Coiny read the note and turned to look at her, only to see the biggest smile in the world.

"At least that's better than what I had planned." He huffed. "What did you have planned?" Teardrop asked. "Nothing too special.." Coiny said with emphasis. Teardrop squinted her eyes.

"So when are we building this thing???" He asked. "We could sneak out at night, when all our friends are asleep." She replied. Coiny cringed, "Why?" Teardrop rolled her eyes,

"Just meet me on the roof at 12 A.M., Wednesday night."

(773 Words)

Friends 1: Secret Lab (Bfb AU)Where stories live. Discover now