In your debt

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"Where is he?!" Jimin asked upset, while Namjoon and Hobi tried to stop him storming into the throne room of the castle of Jeju island. Joy was still fumbling with her hands, not knowing what to say. She was surprised as she saw Jimin appear, taking him into her room for a private talk. Jimin was first really confused, until he read the letter Joy clumsily left on her desk- the letter of Jungkook. He wasn't one to just read other's letters, but he recognized Jungkook's writing and looked closer to it.

From then on, Joy tried to calm him down, and asked for a walk, which Jimin granted, feeling angry and confused at why Jungkook lied to him and his parents, and still had that ridiculous dream of a merman in his mind. As they walked over the beach, Jungkook's ship with Namjoon and Hoseok arrived. Jimin was first relieved, but then he realized that Jungkook wasn't on the ship either. He went through every cabin, searching for his little brother.

His head was already red, not wanting to believe what those three were telling him. Joy didn't know as much as Namjoon and Hoseok, she was quite shocked as they told her he found Taehyung. They didn't tell them though yet that Jungkook turned into a merman himself. That would be too much to digest for the heir, who was already losing his mind.

"I WANT TO TALK TO THE KING!" Joy placed her hand to his chest "No please", she looked sad "that isn't what your brother needs right now. That's not what he wants-" "What he wants?! You are all probably responsible for his death, what if he drowned? You let him search a merman? What ridiculous idea is that? My brother is insane!" "Just come to the ship, okay?" Hoseok tried to get a hold on him, but Jimin jerked away. "I should hang you, both of you!"

Hoseok and Namjoon gulped. Jimin could do that when they are back home. Both shuddered at that thought. But then Jimin slumped down, sitting on the shore. His head hung down, tears suddenly streaming down on his face, which he tried to cover. "I....I feel so guilty", he choked out. Joy sat next to him, stroking over his back, while the other two watched them, not knowing what to do.

"Of course I won't hang you, you both are Jungkook's closest friends. He wouldn't forgive me", he sniffed. Namjoon smiled and sat down on the other side next to Jimin. "Everything is my fault...we played hide and seek when we were younger....and...he almost drowned then...I can remember how much he shivered as I found him. The fever was bad, we all thought we are going to lose him. But he survived miraculously. I was so afraid back was all my fault...I wanted to play hide and seek..."

Joy listened to him, not speaking a word, just keeping with stroking over his back. "Since then, he came up with the idea that there was a merman saving him after he saved the merman or something....he got obsessed with the idea....and's all my fault...!" He pulled on his hair, while Joy looked up helplessly. "We can lead you to the place we went", Namjoon suggested. Jimin nodded. "But you need to calm down and- just be open minded for once." Jimin didn't say anything to that, feeling too numb for it.

They all went to Jungkook's ship, Joy quickly running a bit back to her servant, who was waiting a few steps away. "You won't tell my parents what you heard. Tell them I am on a little trip to the back side of Jeju island with the Busan princes. I'm in good hands", she smiled. So they all went on board.


Jungkook felt restless in the night. He wanted to cuddle up again with Taehyung. But they woke up somewhere in the middle of the night, and Taehyung left his room, bowing after giving him a kiss. This was so confusing. Why didn't he stay over? He tried to fall back asleep, thinking of all things that happened. As he was about dozing away, he heard the melody he loved so much echoing through his room.

He looked up, brought the shell closer to his ear, but the sound wasn't coming from there. Jungkook frowned and swam out of his room. It was dark there, only a few krill's were enlightening the sea in a beautiful light blue. His first sense was to swim to Taehyung's room, so he did; checking up on the other. His heart beat a bit in worry, hoping that his love was alright.

The melody i fell in love withजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें