In your arms

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Hyunjin made sure to be the one who was observing the ship during the first night, while Taemin took a nap. And he was damn glad for that. His friend wouldn't understand why he won't tell the king about one of the passengers going into a boat, to meet Hwasa secretly. Yes, he was maybe blinded by his crush and longing for the sea witch, but Hwasa's plan didn't even seem evil. She wanted to bring two lovers together. And the king, who hated humans, shouldn't know where the newly Merman came from.

As it started to get dawn, he woke his friend up, taking a nap while the other was staying awake, watching the ship.

Not far away on the ship, Namjoon woke up, yawning while he walked out on deck, munching on a piece of bread he took with him. The sun was about to rise, gentle breeze was greeting him. Just then he noticed a letter on the ground, taking it to read. He almost choked on his bread as he looked at it in bewilderment.

"What the-", he ran back under deck, quickly shaking Hobi awake. "Hoseok! Master Jungkook is gone!" The guard almost fell out of his bed, quickly reaching for his sword, how he was trained to, while his eyes flew open, meeting with Namjoon.

"Good morning", he said confused, tired eyes tried to stay open. "This isn't good....oh god...this isn't good!" He walked up and down in the room, the lingering scent of food from the ship kitchen calming his nerves a bit. Hoseok finally sat up, shoving his sword back to its hold. "What happened?"

"Prince Jungkook is gone!" Hoseok jumped to his feet in an instant. "What do you mean, he's gone?!" he ran out of his cabin, quickly looking in the princes cabin, which was empty, running to the kitchen, then into every cabin, till he got on the deck, searching in every corner of the deck.

He pulled on his hair is panic. "Hoseok, wait-" "Oh my god...! I was supposed to protect him! What happened?!" Namjoon finally reached him, holding his arm. "He left this letter here." Hoseok yanked the piece of paper out of Namjoon's hands, quickly reading it with wide eyes.

Dear Hoseok, dear Namjoon,

This may upset you now, but I can't wait any longer. This is my path to go. I don't know where it's leading me yet, but hopefully into the arms of my beloved merman Taehyung. I'm sorry for disappearing like this, but I wanted to go alone, because I know, Hobi, you would tried to hold me back. So would have you, Namjoon. Don't be afraid, I will come back, but I don't know when yet. Nothing of this is your fault, and I'm very thankful you both accompanied me to this trip.

I love you both like brothers, so please stay safe, and don't tell anyone what is going on. You are free to get on land, but I hope still you will stay close, just in case.

Hopefully the sea witch don't devour me!

With thankfulness,


Hoseok gulped, with tears in his eyes. "We need to find him", he panted, Namjoon quickly nodding to him. "He went with the boat. To the cove Yoongi mentioned back there. Maybe he's still there." Both quickly got into a boat, letting it into the water.

Taemin meanwhile got alert, waking Hyunjin up, telling him to follow. Hyunjin bit his lip. He probably needs to tell Taemin. Both followed the rowing boat silently under water, seeing where it heads to. Taemin gave Hyunjin a frown as he saw them rowing to the sea witch's coven.

Hoseok and Namjoon spotted the boat already in there a few feet away, both gasping as it seemed empty. They rowed up to it, faces pale. "Oh god", Hoseok panicked "He was eaten by the sea witch!" Namjoon shook his head, eyebrows furrowed as he looked at the stock of neatly folded clothing's. "That", he pointed to it, "Doesn't make sense." Just now, Hoseok saw it too. "Huh?" "If someone gets attacked and eaten, they won't think about undressing and neatly folding their dressing. That doesn't make sense."

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