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"Ah! Finally, I've reached "he said as he walked to the front door to unlock it. His thoughts returned to today's encounter. He was now unwilling to go inside and stood at the gate. It keeps circling in his mind every time someone mentions it. A tear fell from his eye as he reflected on all this. He went upstairs and pulled open a drawer.

A few hours ago:

Vedant: Yeah, yeah, it's fine, but don't screw it up there fine. Daksh, I believe you.

Daksh: Yes, but I'm a little nervous. What if they don't like my idea?

Vedant: Oh, come on, Daksh, they will absolutely.

Don't overthink it. Okay, best wishes!

Vedant hung up the phone and left the cabin.

He entered the cafeteria and sat down next to Piyush.

"Hey bro," Piyush yelled. "Yeah, what's going on?" he asked, half-smile on his face. "I'm simply messaging my fiancée. Will you have anything? I'm just heading to the counter." "Well, black coffee for me, you know my preference, strong and without sugar," he replied as he sat back in his chair. "Fine boss," Piyush replied, "how can anyone drink that?" Piyush approached the counter, but not before ruffling Vedant's hair. "Ah Piyush!" shouted Vedant, setting his hair with his fingers. While his gaze focused on his peace.

A bunch of females sat across from him. Meera was one among them. She was sitting in the corner, twirling her hair and laughing at something. Meera had only been working with them for a month. Vedant paid attention to every detail of her work for the entire month. As the leader of his team, he wanted to ensure that she learned the job flawlessly. She was brilliant at it, but she occasionally made mistakes, which he handled with care.

He also tried not to scold her for anything, and she didn't give him a chance. He had an attraction to her. She was like a wild bird determined to fly across the entire sky. He admired her character. When he looked at her, his heart was flooded with joy. She had her own captivating air and charisma, which made him delighted.

He remembered her working for hours a day in the rain and catching a cold the next day. She slept on the table while working on a crucial contract. How wisely she handled the entire conference without him. How adorable she is when she pouts.

He was so preoccupied with his thoughts that he didn't notice she was watching him. When she looked at him again, he just stared at her, not even blinking. This perplexed her, so she looked around her, left, right, and in the back, attempting to figure out who he was staring at. Vedant smiled when he realised what was going on. Her mouth was full with rice, and her eyes were big as she chewed and gazed around. She returned her gaze to him after examining everything. She was surprised to notice he was solely looking at her.

Her creamy cheeks were flushed with scarlet. He merely nodded his head and grinned as she raised her brows. She returned the smile and continued to eat.

"Bro, if your staring session is done, drink your coffee, it's becoming cold," Piyush teased. Vedant took a sip of his coffee while holding it. "How long have you been here?"

"At the very least, five minutes. I called you, but you were looking at someone, and if I'm not mistaken, it's Meera, isn't it?" He made fun. However, the entire crew was aware of his feelings for Meera. Except for Piyush, no one dared to tease him like this. They'd always had this connection. Piyush and Vedant first met at work, but they quickly became friends and are now more like brothers.

Vedant sneezed. "Take it easy, bro," Piyush said, laughing.

Vedant was walking towards his cabin after finishing his coffee when he overheard several females discussing about something.
"You know, we were sitting in the cafeteria today when I found out Meera's mother died when she was 15 or something.
She was recounting how her father refused to marry another woman and had reared her alone. "Poor kid".
"You know, I remembered Vedant's story when she told me this-"

"You two," Vedant said with a smile, but all he could see was the storm within him tearing him apart.
"You two are here; the boss called you." He stated this as tears threatened to fall from his eyes.


He took a photograph from the drawer. His hand brushed lightly against the frame. Wet and gloomy tears trickled silently from his deep ocean to a corner of his jaw and landed on his shirt as if nothing had happened.

"I'm missing you both. Why do you have to be so adamant? Why had you left me here? My entire life became miserable after that day. The building I once considered home is now merely a place to live. I'm missing you. "I really miss you."

On that day, he remembered the last time he saw his parents. Then there was him, alone on the precarious bridge of helplessness, which could collapse at any moment and hurl him to hell. Many things happened in his life; he had to deal with them one by one, which he did.

He ascended those steps alone, with huge gaps and fissures of depression, worry, loneliness, and yearnings.
He desired to live rather than to survive. He want someone he could call his own, someone who could relieve him of this atmosphere. He want to be a man with a soul once more.

This life is filled with pain and sorrow,
I always wonder if I'll make it through tomorrow.
I don't know what I'm going to do,
I'm always missing you.

I think about the joy, laughter, and tears,
and try not to have any fears.
I close my eyes and take a deep breath,
But once again I start thinking about your death.

You told me you would only be gone a little while
And told me to always keep on a smile.
But it's been longer than a while,
How do you expect me to smile?

I know you will always be in my heart,
But it is slowly breaking apart.
I always loved having you near,
and now I wish you were here.

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