[Constitution increased by 1]

When the prompt rang, Vrylle's get off on its back and squatted down on the ground and took several shallow breaths.

The whole scene had not lasted longer than a minute, but it had consumed quite an amount of her energy and concentration. The emotional and psychological strain she bears throughout the battles and those enemies she faced off for hours weren't that easy to recover just because her Attributes returned.

Her body was fine now, yes, but her emotions aren't yet.

"My Lady, were done here. Follow me!"

Vrylle look about and saw that Rusty dealt with most of the monsters and there's none left. In silent acquiescence, she rose to her feet and smiled weakly.

Considering Rusty had been in this place for who knows how many times, it naturally means that he was much more familiar with the terrain than she was, although Phantom temporarily gave her the topography of the place, and he knew a lot better what they were facing up against.

The battles she went through themselves were frightening already, but the idea of what worse to come like the unwanted, continuous, endless fighting... It was downright terrifying. In such a situation, the probability of them dying was high, which she refused to accept.

She didn't want Rusty to end up like Merida.

Vrylle also didn't want for him to shoulder all the fighting. In order to avoid such risks, and for Rusty to save his strength and energy, Vrylle would have to end each of her fight as soon as possible. In the shortest amount of time she could.

That's the biggest help she could offer to not burden Rusty even more.

"My Lady, don't worry. We're almost there."


Trailing behind Rusty, Vrylle diligently and silently ran in zigzag despite the throbbing, burning blisters on her feet and some of her injuries. She did not stop nor pause for a second.

After running for about an hour, as Rusty suddenly came to a stop, so did Vrylle, instinctively looking around her.

"What Happen-"


Vrylle immediately close her little mouth and enhance her hearing to probe about the area. Then in about more or less a hundred meter from Northeast, thanks to her enhance hearing, she heard a clashing of weapons, growls and screams.

That is the place they were going.

"Fuck! They even reached the Transfer Point?! Those airheads just go and die! For sure, it was them who led the monsters the- Oh, My Lady, please pardon my words."

"...It's okay, I understand."

It was not just an empty word. Vrylle really did understand the frustration from his voice alone. From the name of their supposed direction, it was easy to guess what was that area for.

Transfer Point, their only hope to leave this hellish place.

The problem was, there are a lot of monsters and other humans, who were the one who abducted them, that currently battling over that place. The number of enemies were not a joke either. Just imagining the chaos they were going to plunge themselves into with such overwhelming number was already nerve-wracking.

They don't have a choice, sadly to say.

Looking into each other's eyes, Rusty and Vrylle were silently communicating about something, then agreeing right after. With a nod, they parted ways but still headed to the same direction.

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