5 - a puppet show

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No one could dispute the place of the five with the young Brandon Stark. Together with Adrik Tyrell, Daemon Targaryen and two other knights Aruna did not know, he won the tournament and thus the honor of Princess Rhaenyra.

Even though the tournament was for Rhaenyra and Laenor, they had shown little interest at the end and had talked and drunk wine with Aruna. The ceremony was actually quite unspectacular and quickly over. The princess, her husband and her friend had personally gone to the five winners to talk to them about what had happened. Especially Laenor was very interested in the conversations.

Aruna had hugged her brother tightly and smiled at him proudly. Adrik was, next to Rhaenyra, the most important person in her life and she was glad that nothing had happened to him. Afterwards, she had congratulated each of the others on their victory as well and had a brief chat with them.

"A remarkable performance, my prince" Aruna eyed Daemon's horse. The knights had tied their horses to a wooden post and had dismounted to speak with the princess or other visitors. Daemon paused what he was doing and looked at the young woman. He had just tightened his horse's saddle and had not seen Aruna.

"Thank you, Lady Aruna" the Targaryen replied curtly. Aruna found his title of greeting to her annoying. She had liked it when he had called her my Lady. She would have preferred to sigh aloud or retort something sarcastic, but she refrained and went to the young Stark instead.

Brandon looked much more excited than Daemon when she joined him. "Lady Aruna" His smile was so genuine and warm, it almost made the girl's cheeks turn red. "How nice to see you"

"It's good to see you too, Ser Brandon" Aruna returned his smile and looked at his horse. "You really have a beautiful horse" she noted. The fur was a beautiful warm shade of brown and the animal looked healthy and strong. Horses had always been her favorite animals. Suddenly she missed her own horse, which was waiting for her in Highgarden.

Brandon took the halter in his hand and stroked his horse's neck. "Thank you, Lady Aruna" The Stark looked at the Tyrell and then pointed to his horse. "Go ahead" Aruna carefully placed her hand on the horse's blaze. The horse was exceedingly well behaved and immediately let Aruna touch him.

"Does he have a name?" Aruna wanted to know, looking to the young Stark. "She" Brandon corrected her "Her name is Nymeria".

"A beautiful name, for a beautiful mare" Aruna's words were true. The horse stood out among the other horses of the competitors. "Do all the horses in the north look like that?" she asked gullibly. Brandon had to laugh as he shook his head. "I take it you've never been to the north, Lady Aruna?" the young man stated. Brandon was still wearing her wreath. He hadn't taken it off since Aruna had given it to him.

"No..." Aruna shook her head slightly. She only knew Highgarden and King's Landing, and the statement almost made her sad. "But I would like to see the north and feel real cold on my cheeks"

Almost dreamily the Stark looked at the Tyrell girl. Almost as if he were imagining her in the snow. "It would be my honor to show you the beautiful north. This place is nothing compared to that" Aruna had to smile at the offer and hoped to accept it someday.

"Lady Aruna, Ser Brandon" Laenor joined the two and introduced himself to the northerner. "My
consort sent me. She wished your company" Laenor pointed to Rhaenyra. All three turned to the
princess. As if sensing it, Rhaenyra looked to the three and smiled.

Standing with Rhaenyra were Daemon and Laena. The two groups looked at each other for a moment before Aruna said goodbye to Brandon Stark. She had really enjoyed his company. As slowly as she could, she walked over to her friend.

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