2 - the wine

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Fortunately for Aruna, the Red Keep was completely deserted. There was no one to be seen anywhere for better or worse.

She could not find her family anywhere and so she made her way back to her chamber. On the way there she didn't even meet any guards or knights and that worried her a lot. Where had everyone gone?

Two arms wrapped around the girl as she entered her chamber. A startled sound escaped Aruna, but she quickly relaxed when she recognised her brother. "I've been looking all over for you! Where have you been?"

Comforting, Aruna placed her hands on her brother's cheeks. "I am here! All is well, please calm down!" she said in a soft voice. Adrik's eyes grew wide as he looked at his sister. "What happened?"

Aruna sighed, for Adrik would not rest until she gave him an answer. "During the uprising, I fell and many did not see me..." the girl reported as he pushed up her sleeves and found some bruises. "Prince Daemon found me and took me to somewhere safe until it was all over".

"Prince Daemon? The prince who killed his wife?" Adrik looked at his sister in shock and continued to search her for injuries. "You don't know that, Ad" There was no need to defend Daemon after the way he treated her, but it felt wrong not to. Not until she knew the truth.

"Is that what he told you? And you believe him" Her brother looked at her terrified. "Now please don't make a big deal out of it... I'm fine and now I'm here" Aruna started undoing her hair and brushed her long dark hair. Adrik sat on her bed and watched her "Can you stay here tonight?"

In the past the two siblings had often slept in the same bed, but the older they got the less they did. But tonight, Aruna didn't want to be alone and couldn't. She was so afraid that something else would happen, that someone would break in or otherwise. The girl did not feel safe here.

Adrik agreed, of course. They talked all night and Aruna confessed her worries to him. Adrik felt the same way and all he wanted was to protect his little sister whatever it took.

"Growing strong do you hear? Soon we will be back in Highgarden" Adrik tried to encourage her but it didn't work. Now at this moment Aruna didn't want to be in King's Landing or Highgarden and she told her brother that.


The next morning, the two of them went downstairs for breakfast. The Tyrells' rooms were all on one corridor in the Red Keep and they had their own common room where breakfast was served for them. Their Aunt Estella was already there.

"Good morning aunt" Aruna bowed her head as she entered and sat down at the table, her brother sat next to her. After them, her uncle and eldest cousin Elio also came immediately. "Good morning family."

The servants brought them tea and warm biscuits for breakfast and Aruna enjoyed the comfort here in King's Landing. At home she had no servant to personally put breakfast on her plate or pour her tea.

"Where have you been again?" asked her aunt. Her look was serious and she pointed her spoon at Aruna's lip. She repeated in short words what had happened yesterday. It offended her that no one but Adrik had looked for her yesterday. "You should thank the prince and leave him alone from now on."

Leave him alone? She had not asked Daemon to save her!

She nodded, although she would have liked to argue with her aunt, so she kept silent and listened to the conversations of her family. Her little cousin Will was the last to arrive for breakfast and lightened the mood with his presence.

"What a shame we missed the wedding after all," Estella complained, stroking her youngest son's curls. "What wedding are you talking about aunt?" Aruna perked up at the word wedding and immediately looked up. "That of your friend the princess, of course. For what other reason are we here?"

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