going for camping

Start from the beginning

" Start pitching your tents, this is where we're going to stay " Meridies said.

" Did we leave Luna Nova to stay in the middle of the bush? " Hannah asked.

" This is called Camp Hannah, we came to enjoy nature," replies Diana.

The teams set up their tents little by little, putting all the necessary lining, they were practically tents with standardized sizes, enough to fit the trio of each team. Each one was positioned in a different place, following the safe limit that was designed by Croix and Ursula so that there is no risk of fire by the fire.
Some girls like Diana's team had difficulties setting up the tents, but Akko's team managed with teamwork, as did Marianne who had some difficulties, but was soon helped by Akko and Hellene to finish setting up the

" Hey, is that witch meeting still on? " Akko asked.

" You don't ask to wait, soon we will make another one even in this camp," Marianne said.

" Is it really going to be in your tent? " Hellene asks as she stood wrapping a curl of hair around her fingers.

" You can be sure it will, since it hides it from distractions, we can show you some spells we've trained," Leclerc said.

" How I wish I had that facility too... " Said Atsuko as Diana was also arriving and the trio was disguising themselves.

" Lassies... You can help us, Hannah and Barbara will destroy our tent and I'm not willing to risk that," said the older Cavendish to the trio who nodded their agreement.

The three of them started helping the girls from the blue team to set up the tent, being perfectly safe, which they even received thanks from the Scottish lass, but not from the English duo who just showed their tongues and entered the tent, as if they didn't even want to get near them.

" Ah those two kids, sorry about them " said the one with platinum blond hair scratching the back of her neck, while the trio of girls just shrugged.

" What spoiled girls, I knew they would hate the camp, at least this way these insufferable ones won't bother us, I don't know how you can stand being their friend Diana " Akko said.

" They are nice, they are just misunderstood, believe me, despite everything I have an affinity with these two " Said the blue-eyed one answering.

As time went by, the other teams were finishing setting up their tents, until everything was ready, still having the sunset sun very present in that landscape, but little by little it was already going down, and Croix and Ursula started to make a bonfire, With some logs and also sticks that they found, the bonfire was being assembled with a considerable size for all the girls could enjoy the heat, being well distributed by the centre, In the hour of lighting the girls were all watching, it seemed that Ursula's hands were very well hidden.
Hellene and Marianne were the most curious especially, noticing the presence of some greenish lights even a dust coming out of it, already realizing that Callistis was using magic to light the fire, so much that as soon as her hand left the bonfire, it was little by little that a bigger fire was being created.

" You see how easy it is to make a fire " Ursula said.

" And how did you light it? " Hellene asks, a little doubtful.

" I used a lighter on my sleeve of my blouse, you see how easy it is, it's not because we are in nature that we light it by rubbing toothpicks " Answers Callistis.

" I know... " Said the younger Cavendish.

" And would there be another way, sis? An enclosed place with a lighter is perfect to start a fire " said the older woman shrugging.

Luna Nova Holiday CampWhere stories live. Discover now