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"Annika! Annika! You'll never guess who I ran into at the mall!" I hear Myley yell as she runs down the dock of Klaris' backyard.

"Myley, I already told you I don't wanna hear about my exes." I sigh, turning around to face her, "No! It was Matt." she replies.

"Matt? I... wait. That name sounds familiar but I don't think... I know... a Matt." I tell her, "No the famous one. The kid you watch on Youtube with his brothers. Sturniolo! Matt Sturniolo!" she replies.

"No way you saw Matt Sturniolo at the mall?!" I ask, "Wait who's Matt Sturniolo?" Klaris asks, "This guy I watch on Youtube." I answer.

"Yeah. I also got a picture with him. OH! And he said to tell you he said hi." she says, "No fucking way." I reply, pulling my bare feet out of the water as I stand up and walk to Myley.

"Can I see the picture?" I ask, "Yeah." she answers, pulling out her phone and showing me her screen with the picture on it.

"Now I really wish I said yes to going with you." I tell her, "Yeah." she laughs.

"Can I see the picture?" Klaris asks, "Sure." Myley shrugs, turning her phone to show Klaris.

"He's cute. Not really my cup of tea but he's cute." Klaris shrugs.

"ISSEY WHAT! Bro he's literally so fine, oh my Lord. He's not just cute, he's like an angel sent from heaven." I reply, "Damn girly. Seems like you have a crush." she says.

"Only a celebrity one." I correct, "Yeah? And what if you meet him in real life and get to know each other?" she teases, "I don't know Issey. And it's not like that's gonna happen anyways." I reply.

"Okay." she shrugs, getting her feet out of the water and walking past Myley and I who were looking at the picture on her phone.

"Oh um. Carmen and Zara are going on family vacation to Hawaii the rest of this week and next week, Carmen told me to tell you that cause she forgot." Myley informs me, "Okay." I reply.

"Oh have you heard from Lexi recently?" I ask, "No. I think the last time we talked was... I'd say maybe like last Thursday and that was just her cancelling plans." she answers. "Huh. I wonder if something's up. She's been leaving me on read lately." I reply.

"Yeah same. But maybe she's just busy." Myley says, "Yeah, I guess that could be in." I reply.

"Wanna head inside? It's getting a bit chilly." Myley suggests, "Yeah, that would be great." I laugh.

As Myley and I walk in through the back sliding glass doors of the Lennon household, the warm cozy heat breezes past our faces.

"Annika! Do you have my airpods?" Venus calls as she comes out of her room, "No. Klaris had them last. I bought my own after Zara broke mine." I answer.

"Ugh! She said she didn't have them and Myley doesn't have them either. The last time I saw Lexi I had them. I think maybe the twins brought them to Hawaii with them." she replies, "You can use mine. I don't think they're fully charged though." I offer.

"I mean I don't need them right now, but thank you." she replies, "Okay, well the offer still stands." I tell her.


"What's on your mind?" Chris asks me, catching my quietness, "Nothin important." I answer.

"Well it clearly is. You haven't talked once the whole car ride and you keep zoning out." he points out, "It's nothing." I wave off.

"Is it that girl from the game?" Nick asks from the back seat, "No." I scoff.

"No way you're thinking about a fictional girl from a VR game!" Chris exclaims, "No. I'm not thinking about a girl from a game, that's ridiculous." I defend.

But I was.

"What was her name again?" Nick asks, "Annika. Annika Cameron." I answer.

"Nick don't be trying to look her up on Insta. She's not real." Chris stops his brother, "Okay, I guess you're right." Nick replies, putting his phone away.

When I got back home, I went to go take a warm shower from the chilly weather recently.

As I open my Apple Music to play my playlist for my shower, my finger lingers over the Instagram icon on my phone. I think about it for a moment before clicking it and going to the search bar, typing in Annika Cameron.

"So she is real." I mutter to myself, finding a profile that matched exactly what Annika looked like.

She did have different friends than the dream, but she was still the same person. Well I don't know if she would be the exact same person like the dream, but the faces matched.

matthew.sturniolo has viewed your profile

annikacameron has viewed your profile

annikacamera has liked your story

matthew.sturniolo would like to request a dm

KIERA SPEAKS: im goin to sleep now, goodnight :)

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